Page 77 of Amid Our Lines

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“But I’m still here,” Eric said before Adrian could clumsily manoeuvre his way out of that particular emotional ditch. “And so’s the hotel. Don’t think either of us are going anywhere.” The smile Eric sent Adrian right after was gentle, tinged with a thoughtfulness that Adrian couldn’t read. He smiled back before he returned his attention to the road.

He’d figure something out. He would.

Monika was arguingwith some kind of high-tech blender. Eric chose not to ask as he slipped past her to where Kojo seemed about to finish whipping batter into shape. Preparations for the New Year’s dinner hung thick in the air—spices and roasting vegetables mixed with the scent of freshly baked pie.

“Mate.” Eric pulled on Kojo’s elbow to get his attention. “A word, please?”

“Kinda busy, man.” Kojo wiped his forehead as he turned to face Eric, the back of his hand leaving flour dust in its wake. A second later, his expression changed. “Okay, never mind. Let’s talk.”

Huh. Eric hadn’t thought he looked overly panicky, but then, Kojo knew him well.

They ducked into the storeroom, where the air was cooler. Fading daylight from a single window cast shadows over the wooden shelves that lined the walls—bags of flour sagged like sleepy guards, canned tomatoes and other tinned goods lined up in uniform rows. When Kojo closed the door, it muffled the music playing in the kitchen.

“All right.” Kojo crossed his arms and fixed Eric with a steady look. “You’ve got five minutes before my sauce takes precedence.Go.”

Right. Eric rocked back on his heels. “So, uh. I may have done something spectacularly stupid.”

“Oh,finally.” Kojo brought his hands up to mime a stadium cheer. “You’re officially alive!”

“And you’re hilarious.” Eric managed a sarcastic smile. “No, it’s… I’m in love with Adrian.”

“Is this where I fake surprise?” Kojo asked after a second.

Eric leaned against a shelf and shook his head. Earlier, when they’d cleared the air and it turned out Adrian wasn’t tired of Eric—not just yet—Eric had caught a temporary high. But he was starting to crash, now that the first buzz had faded. “I promised myself I wouldn’t do this again.”

“Eh.” Kojo shrugged. “Promises are like eggs—easily cracked.”

“I sincerely hope that’s not what you tell Kat.”

“Exactly how stupid do you think I am?” Kojo held up a hand. “No, don’t answer that. Time is running, so let’s go back to how you’re in love with Adrian.”

It packed a punch, hearing Kojo just casually put it out there. Made it real in a way it hadn’t quite been when confined to Eric’s head.

“We agreed to a casual thing.” The scent of dried herbs hung heavy in the air and made Eric feel slightly nauseous. “And instead, I go and fall in love—again, like the bloody idiot I am. So I’m all worried about his dry rot and his bookings when for him, it’s probably just a convenient shag whenever he wants one.”

“Dry rot?” Kojo echoed.

“There’s this problem in the attic.” And hopefully only there. “He’s worried sick about it—how far it’s spread, how much it’ll cost to fix it. And I thought he was done with me because he was acting all distracted and distant, but turns out…” Eric wasn’t telling this story very well, was he? His thoughts all tangled up and chasing their own tails. “Anyway. We had a fight, cleared the air, sort of. And I want to help him, I do. It’s just … youknow.”

Kojo nodded, tongue pushing up against his teeth. “You don’t want to overstep. Also, he doesn’t know you’re rich.”

“I’m notrich,” Eric protested. He was … comfortable.

Kojo tossed him a look and continued, undeterred. “And, of course, you also don’t want to come across like you’re in love with him. Which you are.”

Fuck. Eric inhaled through his nose and looked away. “Yeah.”

“Right.” Kojo said it slowly, his tone thoughtful. “Okay, let’s play a game. Give me five things that describe Adrian.”

Eric frowned. “What’s that got to do with anything?”

“Answer the question.”

“Smart,” Eric said. “Funny, sexy, grounded, works too bloody hard. Makes me feel … seen, I guess? Like, he settles me and gets me out of my head.” That had been six, but who was counting?

“And what about Lucas?” Kojo asked.

Eric stopped to think. “Gorgeous, talented. In love with someone else.”
