Page 99 of Amid Our Lines

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The initial heads-up came from Adrian’s former boss John at ErosElite.‘Got several thousand new subscribers overnight - all VERY interested in your work. Cheers. If you and Martin ever feel like a comeback performance, the door is always open.’

Still in bed with Eric curled up against his back, Adrian replied with,‘Well, you always had a soft spot for my dick.’

‘Soft is not the word that comes to mind,’John wrote back.

“Interesting workplace vibe,” Eric commented when Adrian showed him the exchange. “Explains a lot about your leadership style.”

“My leadership style?” Adrian repeated, laughing.

“Personal.” Eric stifled a yawn. “Detail-oriented. Not afraid to get your hands dirty.”

“Dirty is my specialty,” Adrian told him, and before Eric could offer another quip, Adrian rolled him onto his back and made sure to occupy his mouth with other matters.

Max sent his official statement over later that morning, just as they got dressed after a run and subsequent shower. Eric tried and failed to imitate Max’s drawl as he read it out loud. “‘I can’t say I care what Adrian did five years ago. I’ve come to know him as a great partner to my good mate, and also as a guy who works incredibly hard to run a fantastic hotel.’” With a grin, Eric looked up from his phone. “Well, Max got that part right.”

He seemed unbothered by the idea of shit about to hit the fan, and it made Adrian breathe a little more easily. “Which part?” he asked, reaching for a suit jacket. Specifically the only suit jacket he owned. “The fantastic hotel or the great partner?”

“Both.” Eric zipped up his jeans, then slung an arm around Adrian’s shoulders and kept reading. “‘So what if he worked an unconventionaljob as a student? As long as it’s consenting adults making educated choices, there’s nothing wrong with adult entertainment.’”


Adrian leaned further into Eric’s side. “Do you think that’ll be the end of it?”

“Probably not.” Eric gave a mild shrug. “I changed my number after someone leaked it during the hot phase of the Lucas rumours, but it’s only a matter of time until someone calls me. And whoever’s handling the hotel phone today should be prepared for a fun time—that’ll be the first thing they’ll try.”

“Jesus.” Adrian exhaled. “Maybe I didn’t think it through when I told you I don’t care. I mean, I didn’t exactly expect … this.”

“Hey.Babe.” Eric’s voice went low and soft as he drew Adrian into the circle of his arms. “You’ve got nothing to be ashamed of. Anyone’s got a problem with your past—that’s on them.”

God, Adrian loved him. He pressed their cheeks together, a small smile tugging at his mouth. “Are you quoting me?”

“Learned from the best, didn’t I?” Eric tightened his hold. “This is just a blip, yeah? It’ll blow over in a matter of days because they don’t care about you or me—only about how we relate to Max.”

It was similar to what Martin had already said, with the difference that Eric knew the industry and had gone through this before.

“Yeah, probably.” Adrian sighed. “Honestly, I don’t care about strangers on the internet dragging me. I just don’t want it to negatively affect people I love, like you. Or the hotel.”

“Look at me,” Eric said.

Adrian leaned back just slightly. In the morning light, freshly shaved and showered, cheeks still slightly flushed, Eric looked … He lookedhappy, much more so than when he’d first arrived.

“Do I seem negatively affected to you?” Eric asked, followed by a grin that already implied the answer.

“You don’t,” Adrian told him, and since he could, he covered Eric’s mouth with his own, warm and easy contact without any real intent behind it.

“The Gletscherhaus will be fine too,” Eric murmured once theydrew apart for a breath. “You told me that bookings for the whole year are way up, right? I bet you no one’s gonna cancel. Most people will be intrigued rather than put off by the idea of a former porn star turned hotelier. And the creatives we’d be targeting with a potential renovation? I know that crowd. They’ll think it’s fun and a bit edgy.”

“Not sure I should include that in my pitch to the bank.” Adrian stepped back to grab a pair of socks, then sat down on the bed to put them on. “But, yeah. I can see how that makes sense. And I guess our long-time regulars are unlikely to see the gossip—most of them couldn’t tell Max Fina from an uncommonly attractive rhinoceros.”

“Saysyou.” Eric pulled on a jumper, his smile briefly hidden by the fabric. “Didn’t you call Max ‘the British guy’?”

“I knew his name,” Adrian stated with dignity.

“Of course.” Eric’s tone implied the opposite.

“You’re supposed to love and support me.” Adrian tossed him a haughty eyebrow raise. “Pretty sure that includes buying whatever rubbish I’m selling.”

“I love you,” Eric said, “and in public, I will support whatever rubbish you’re selling. But I reserve the right to mock in private.”
