Page 10 of Knot Theirs

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“I don’t think you’ve properly met my pack. Let’s sit down and do introductions.”


Yeah, that was all I had.

Ben led me over to the couch, and the other two followed. I ended up sandwiched between Ben and Michael, with Griffin in a chair across from us. Ben still had his arm around my shoulders, and Michael took my hand, rubbing soothing circles over the back of it with his thumb. I breathed in and out, and in no time, I could think again.

The effect these alphas were having on me was…something I didn’t want to consider too closely.

Griffin cleared his throat. He looked nervous, almost shy. It was a strange look on an alpha. Like I scared him a little.

That idea made me grin, and his whole face changed when I did. His eyes went to my mouth, hisgaze heated. Then he adjusted himself in the chair, as though his pants were suddenly too tight.

Holy hell. My mind was in the gutter.

He schooled his features quickly, all cool alpha control, and leaned forward.

“I’m Griffin Bell.”

That deep voice sent shivers across my skin. As he went on, I pressed my thighs closer together.

“Some people call me Griff. I’ve known Ben since graduate school. I’m a postdoc in forestry, and I work in seasonal wildfire prevention and response.”

I nodded as the words penetrated. He knew his shit. Good.

“You parachute in during fires?” That was scary stuff.

“I did. One season. Then I got promoted to management. Now I’m the one calling in teams and working strategy.”

That tracked. He had leader written all over him.

“What’s the name of your pack?”

“We’re the Bell pack.”

I could have sworn his chest puffed out a little at that declaration. If they used his name, he was the decision maker. And for some reason, I made this big, tough alpha nervous.

Don’t go there.

“How did you meet Michael?” I asked Griffin, but I turned to face Michael for the answer.

All at once, there was tension in the air. The lightfrom the fireplace cast deep shadows over Michael’s already dark eyes, and all I could see of his expression was the firm set of his mouth. His grip on my hand tightened.

I didn’t know what the reaction meant, but my inner omega knew what to do anyway. I wrapped his hand in both of mine, stroking gently.

Michael let out a breath and closed his eyes. His chest rose and fell as he took in my scent. The hint of lavender was more mellow and soothing than anything else, and it usually worked pretty well to console and calm people around me. A magical omega power I actually appreciated having.

When he opened his eyes again, I glimpsed the pain in his gaze. My heart ached for him.

“I met Griff when I was fighting wildfires. He introduced me to Ben. I had a close call a couple of years back. My team made it out, but another team lost someone. I couldn’t do it anymore.” He paused, taking another breath, and then he smiled. “So I went to culinary school. Now I’m a chef.”

It seemed like there must be more to the story. But his expression was lighter, the heavy look from before fading away, and I wasn’t going to push if he wanted to change the subject.

“You are? Where do you work?”


My jaw dropped. “Marlena’s?” It was the bestrestaurant in the city. Not that I’d ever been there. Still, even living in the park, I had heard of it.
