Page 18 of Knot Theirs

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Biological compatibility was one thing. They also made me feel safe. And I could admit to myself that I already felt something for Ben, something that had been building since shortly after I started working with him. Now the other two were stirring up those same feelings.

Did I want to be their omega? Assuming that was even something they wanted, was it whatIwanted? It would mean embracing a side of myself I’d happily been free of. These alphas made me want it back.

But what if an omega was all they saw when they looked at me? In fairness, maybe I was mostly seeing them as alphas, not as Ben, Griffin, and Michael.

No…They were more than that.

Ben was smart and serious, but he had a sense of humor, too.

Griffin was bossy and blunt. He’d also shown me a sensitive side, at odds with what I’d initially expected from an alpha like him.

Michael was open with his heart, generous, and understanding. We both had invisible scars, but we had a lot more in common than that. I didn’t think he saw me as just a damsel in distress.

I was already getting a good feeling about them as people. They were each unique and a little complicated, and I could see why they fit well as a pack.

Shit. If they were complicated, I was a dark matter, black hole, space-time enigma. I couldn’t even figure myself out.

Michael wiped his hands on a dishtowel.

“All set.”

“It smells amazing.”

He smiled and picked up two plates. I did the same, following him to the living room.

Now that the mattresses filled the floor space in front of the fire, the only place to sit was on top of them. We set the plates out in a circle, in the middle of what was basically a huge bed, while Ben and Griffin went to get the wine and glasses. When they came back, the guys all looked at me, waiting for me to sit first.

Why did it feel so monumental? We’d all been napping together earlier. Maybe because it was dark out? Something about the glow of the firelight set a different kind of mood.

We’d all been well behaved today. Friendly, with just a hint of sexual tension. Now you could cut the tension with a knife.

Fuck it, I was hungry. My stomach was starting to hurt.

I climbed over the mattresses until I was on the third one over, then sat in front of a plate. The food looked amazing. Perfectly cooked bow-tie pasta with a generous amount of bacon added, topped with bright tomatoes and basil, and glistening with a touch of olive oil.

The guys were still settling in around me when I went in for a bite. It was probably rude not to wait, but I couldn’t help myself. I let out a low moan when the garlicky olive oil sauce hit my tongue.

They all froze in place. Three heads turned in my direction.

“What?” I asked around a mouthful of food. “It’s delicious.” I swallowed and licked my lips, watching as three sets of hungry eyes followed the motion. “Do I need to eat in another room?”

Suddenly their own plates were more interesting than my face.

Our little picnic on the bed had Griffin sitting closest to me on one side, Michael on the other, and Ben across from me. None of us spoke as we ate. The wine glasses sat on the floor as we focused on the food, since it was too tricky to balance all of it.

I had to stifle more moans, themeal was so fantastic. After my last bite, I leaned back and waited for the others to finish.

“More wine?” Michael asked, reaching for the bottle.

I shook my head. “No, thanks. I’m good. That was great, Michael. Words are failing me. Perfectly cooked with wonderful flavor.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

He smiled at me, and even at arm’s length away, I could feel the heat coming off him. I was feeling warm, too. My cheeks flushed under his gaze.

And, strangely, my stomach still ached. I’d eaten plenty of food. My skin was quickly going from warm to hot. Feverish.

Oh no. Not now.Shit.
