Page 19 of Knot Theirs

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I was going to have to deal with being an omega and all that it meant. Because I was getting my heat.



We all picked up on it at the same time. Tracy hadn’t said anything, but her cheeks went from rosy to pale. Her breathing sped up. I realized I was attuned to her in a way I’d never been with anyone, even Ben and Michael, and they were my packmates.

They’d sensed it too. All of us were on alert. Something was wrong with our omega.


I was sitting nearest to her, and I reached out to hold her hand. She seemed skittish, but she’d let us comfort her before. I let out a relieved breath when she grabbed onto my hand and squeezed.

Tracy looked at me with a weak smile. “Sorry. This situation is about to get really serious.”

“Why?” My voice had dropped an octave, and my muscles bunched in preparation to fight. Any threat to her would be dealt with.

She sighed and looked down at her lap.

“I’m getting my heat. We have about a day to figure out what to do.”

Wait. What?

I squeezed her hand a little too hard, and she jerked in surprise, then laughed at me. With some effort, I relaxed my grip and tried not to look as shocked as I felt. Judging by her amused expression, I failed.

My body’s fight response quickly changed into something else.

A heat meant she’d need our knots. My cock had no trouble understanding, but my brain was still trying to catch up.

“One day?” My tone was wooden as I latched onto that detail. Her words rattled around in my head. I needed to get more information.

Tracy nodded. “Give or take a few hours. I’ll be in pain for a while before it really kicks in. Then I’ll be begging for your knots.” She looked almost apologetic. “I don’t get heats all that often, and I use suppressants to deal with the symptoms. But I don’t have any with me. So we have to decide what everyone’s comfortable with.”

Her face scrunched up in a wince, and her free hand went to her lower abdomen.

I didn’t think, just pulled her toward me. She looked at me questioningly, but let herself be pulled. Following my instincts, I lifted her onto my lap, herback to my front. I wrapped my arm around her, pressing down gently on her belly, giving her my warmth. She relaxed, her body going limp on a sigh.

“That feels better, thank you.” Her voice was soft. She leaned her head back on my shoulder.

Comforting Tracy was…everything. A purr started up in my chest, and she seemed to relax even more.

“We’re going to take care of you, sweetheart. However you want us to.”

I’d live with a swollen knot for a few days if she didn’t want to go that far with us. No way did I want to jeopardize this by going too fast.

“I have questions,” she murmured.

“Ask away.”

“Have you ever been with an omega during a heat?”

“No.” I looked between Michael and Ben, and they shook their heads. “None of us have.”

“Okay. That isn’t a prerequisite, don’t worry.” She must have noticed I’d tensed. “Have you been with an omega before?”

I didn’t miss the hint of vulnerability in her voice. There was a right answer, I just didn’t have a fucking clue what it was.

“No. I’ve dated betas before, but getting my doctorate kept me pretty busy. My postdoc fellowship has me traveling a lot to different wilderness areas. And during fire season, I’m on call twenty-four seven.”
