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“Of course. Hallucination provost would be just as spanky as the president. Fancy my fucking luck,” she muttered.

“What do you mean?” I growled.

“Nothing,” she squeaked. I heard the clap of her slapping a hand over her mouth, like she’d said too much and wanted to take it all back.

“It’s not nothing. I asked you a question,” I pressed.

“I don’t answer hallucinations,” she quipped, and she went back to her nonsensical muttering. I shook my head, striding into the bedroom with purpose now.

Fuck it. I’d answer my own question.

She didn’t really weigh much of anything, so it was easy to swing her off my shoulder facedown onto the bed. She squeaked in surprise, but I pushed my hand in the middle of her back and pinned her into place.

What was the harm in looking, right?

I grabbed the waistband of her pajamas and yanked them down. In my haste, I ripped her panties down too. She didn’t need those, so I pulled it all off. She squeaked in alarm and my dick practically jumped right out of my pants.

Oh, sweet Jesus.

Her ass was absolute perfection. And definitely striped bright red from Caelum’s belt.


Truth be told, I really liked how it looked. Although I’d seen it done and had joked about it, I’d never belted a woman before, and I was sure Caelum had never done it before today either. But knowing Kaci, she’d probably deserved it.

Each round cheek would be enough to fill one of my hands and then some. There was more than enough for me to sink my teeth into like it was a slice of goddamn cake. I licked my lips and my dick screamed for the sweet little pink pussy peeking out at me from in between her thighs.

Fuck. She was dripping wet for me.

A heady wave passed over me at the scent of her arousal. I hadn’t drunk anything, but I was quickly feeling like I’d downed a bottle of scotch like it was water.

Just a look. That was it. I would look as long as I liked, and then I would lock her up tight and tuck the key in my pocket.

With my other hand, I followed the line of a single welt, marveling over its bright red color, and before I realized what I was doing, I leaned over and pressed a single kiss against the angriest looking one. Her intake of breath that followed made my dick shudder and start to downright demand things.

Who the fuck was I kidding?

My dick was definitely going in her mouth.



Holy fucking shitballs.

Not only had the provost hefted me over his shoulder like a sack of feathers, but now I was pinned to the bed with my pants and panties pulled off while he stared at my freshly belted butt.

It’s alright, Kaci.It’s not real.

Dr. Hallucination Grumpy Pants definitely wasn’t kissing my bare bottom, and I definitely wasn’t enjoying it. Probably not. Certainly not. Okay… Maybe I was just a little bit.

For all I knew, I was sitting somewhere in a chair in a psych ward, and someone was feeding me hallucinogenic drugs, or pheromones, or hormones, or whatever mind-altering shit was on the market these days. They could be studying my responses right now, in fact. If I was truly crazy, which I was pretty certain I was, what was the harm in enjoying myself?

Hell, the president of Newsome University had belted my naked butt, licked my pussy, and I’d come like a hellcat right there on his tongue.

“Your bottom looks like it’s sore,” Dr. Grumpy Pants muttered, and I looked back over my shoulder, meeting those forest green eyes and losing myself in them for a long second.

“It’s definitely not,” I lied.
