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“We want you this monthandmore.” Ash smiles.

“Ford, Ash, I can’t.” I stand up, adjusting my skirt. “I’m leaving when our month is up. I have to be in California. You know that.”

They look like no other woman ever told them they were just a fling.

“Reconsider your plans.” Ford’s words come out like a command, and I know he’s used to getting what he wants.

Ash looks uncomfortable, though. He’s right back where he was with Ford, who wanted to be open. And he didn’t.

Ford wanted a woman to complete them. And Ash...didn’t.

I can’t be responsible for breaking them up again.

“California is my home.”

“Home is where your heart is, sugar. I hate to be corny.”

A thought wallops me, and I clutch my chest.

“My designs. They’re gone, aren’t they? Michael destroyed them.” I crumble to the floor, tears welling in my eyes. “You’re offering me this relationship to soften the blow because my career is in the toilet.”

Ford lifts me into his arms.

“Shhh, sugar. Michael promised he’d tell me.” He holds my face. “I can usually read people like a book. But anything is possible. If you don’t have those designs, you haveus. And you can stay here. Be ourswhile you create a new line.”

“But I can’t sketch anymore.” That’s a bigger problem I have to face. “And my parents...” I squeeze my eyes closed. “They’re buried there.”

“I’ll have them moved,” Ford blurts.

“Ford!” Ash screeches, taking hold of me and steering me to sit in a chair away from his lover. “Let’s see how the month plays out.”

“You don’t want the three of us to give it a try, Ash?” Ford’s voice reeks with hurt.

“Ford, there’s a lot to work out. I need to get my foundation flush and lock in yearly contribution commitments so I can focus on my patients. I can’t do anything that will be a PR nightmare.”

“Nightmare?” Ford bites. “Loving me is a PR nightmare?”

Shit, they’re gonna have it out because of me. I’m not sure my heart can take it. I’m still wiped out from Emery’s mouth on my clit wrecking me with a tornado climax.

“You know what I mean, Ford.” Ash argues with him like I’m not in the room.

“This is ridiculous.” Ford shakes his head, not having it. “Both of you. You’rebothmine. We can have it all! The three of us. Bernie, I’ll get your designs. If not, I’ll get you into the world’s best art school to get you comfortable with sketching again. You, Ashton, fuck your father. Fuck this begging for money.”

“Begging?” Ash backs up toward the door. “Is that how you see me? A beggar?”

“You’re leaving yourself open to your father sabotaging you. I’ll cover all your surgery costs.”

“You have that much money?” I gasp to Ford.

“I’ll mortgage this duplex if I have to. I’ll take a hiton the interest rate, I don’t care. I want to share everything I have. With both of you.”

This fighting for me would have my panties damp if I were wearing any.

“What about Emery?” I ask, wondering where he would fit into Ford’s version of forever.

Ford exhales and looks at me like I’m pathetic for thinking Emery will give up Club Dare’s auctions for me.

“Sugar, I don’t think he’s looking for something serious.”
