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By Sunday night, I’m exhausted.

Before we leave, Ford and I walk on the beach.

With his arm around me, protecting me from the wicked wind that kicked up over the weekend, he lays one hell of a confession on me.

“I let Ash fuck me.”

“Really?” My breath hitches. “Did you like it?”

“I loved it,” he laughs. “I gave him what he needed.”

“When are you going to tell him Pratt Sterling is prosecuting Michael’s case?”

His jaw goes tight.

“I’m thinking maybe I don’t have to.”

Guilt pounds my chest at the secret I’m keeping from a boyfriend.

“I can’t believe we have to wait this long for a hearing to dismiss the case.”

Typical stalled justice from so many cases backlogged.

“It doesn’t matter anymore. I took this case for me. Now, I’m gonna win it for you.”

I think about that, and I wonder how Ash will feel if he finds out.

Ford stops and holds my hand, his thumb caressing my knuckles, oddly my ring finger.

“You know, l like that this started with me and you. When I first saw you, my heartskipped a beat.”

“Mine, too.” I squeeze his hands. “In fear. Especially when you stood up.”

“I scared you?”

“Terrified me,” I pipe out. “But then I was blinded by how gorgeous you are. And kind.”

“I want you to know something, Bernadette.” His eyes get dark.

“What’s that, Ford?” The man’s good at secrets, whatever comes out of his mouth could be a doozy.

“Ireallywant you to stay in New York.” He gets down on one knee, the metaphoric gesture slamming into me. “I’m saying this sober and not on the verge of coming, so you know I’m sincere. You’re designing again. Give those new designs to your friend and start fresh here. Work with Victoria. Or freelance. Get a retainer from her. And then you can find a place to live.”

Quite the different invitation, or should I say demand I got from Emery.

“You’re throwing me out, Ford?”

“No. Michael gave you a place to stay to screw you over. I want you to have your power back. I want you to be with me because you want to. Not because youhaveto.”

“Thank you.” I hug him, and kneeling, he’s so low, I can wrap my arms around his shoulders properly.

“I also figured out, if we get the motion to dismiss, you get to keep most of the money.” He strokes my cheek. “You shouldn’t have any trouble finding a nice place with three hundred grand.”

It would be a staggering amount. I’d feel powerful indeed.

“I would give it back to Emery. He only bid that much to cover your fee.”
