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He looks away and draws a fist to his mouth.

“If you want to back out of our deal and not be seen with me, I understand.”

“No way.” I pull him around and hold his face. “You’re not like them. Whatyou’redoing makes you a true prince.”

“I always wanted to use my medical skills for good. Help humanity. I was in Doctors Without Borders for years. But it got too dangerous.” He lifts his pant leg to the knee. “I got shot!”

The puckered, star-sharped scar on his calf makes me gasp.

“Oh no.”

“I came back to the states and after I healed, my family put pressure on me to join them.” He shakes his head. “Even if they weren’t peddling poison, I didn’t want to create drugs. So, they went after me. I have a trust fund through my grandfather’s estate. They tried to take it from me. Ford fought them in court and won. Now I get paid regularlyandgenerously. It’s just not enough to endlessly cover free surgeries. I don’t need to be paid, but the hospitals do. I have a team of nurses and anesthetists that I keep on a steady salary. I set up the foundation to pay them for their hard work and sacrifices. There’s also an arm that exclusively helps the families. Lodging, travel, meals. Nice clothes for the moms who sacrifice their needs for their sick babies.”

The foundation goes above and beyond in such a gut-wrenching way.

Then something hits me.

“Clothes. That’s how you knew to take me to Victoria’s.” I clutch my chest at the blushing confession. “Charmaine let me believe you lavishwomen you’re screwing with expensive clothes all the time.”

“I’m so sorry she made you feel like that.” He strokes my cheek. “That’s not what this is for me. I can’t explain it. There’s something about you... Ford feels it, too. I see the way he looks at you.”

I go breathless and consider there is some truth to finding your soulmate. That when it’s right, you know immediately. Fate intervened.

I didn’t just accidentally meet Ford. Or Ash and Emery.

I’m here because of Michael. My greatest tragedy brought these men into my life.

No pain, no gain. No risk, no reward.

We arrive at the Warwick, a swanky hotel that is hosting the fundraiser, and walk a red carpet to get in.

I’m surprised to see the press and paparazzi. More surprised when Ash snuggles me close for the flashing cameras. Claiming me publicly as his.

As the master of ceremony, Ash is whisked to an area behind the stage and doesn’t get a chance to mingle with all the people in the lobby. He keeps our hands linked as the event organizers update him. But as others file into the ballroom, Ash walks me to my seat at his table near the stage and drops a kiss on my forehead.

“Keep my seat warm, baby.”

The evening starts with a breathtaking video of Ash and his team in action. Whoever produced this knew how the hottest doctor on the planet in scrubs is a shot to the heart.

The video fades to black with a dramatic drumroll, and Ash strolls onto the stage to staggering applause.

At the podium, the speech he started in the limomelts into the boisterous and confident anthem call that he bellows to his donors.

Another presentation lights up behind him with numbers as he explains an investment in a center will give him space to offer more surgeries with the specific equipment he needs. He can efficiently plan operations instead of hopping from hospital to hospital.

Tears stream down my face at how giving this man is. What he sacrificed. What he faces on a daily basis having the name Ives drip like poison off the tongue of the media and victims of his family’s addictive drugs.

He shares that name and yet, stands there with his head held high, finishing his speech.

“Enjoy the meal you paid a lot of money for and be prepared to see me at your table asking for more.”

Laughter floats into the air and hums all over the room.

Glancing around, I see Ash’s words have affected many people, and they’re eager to help with his cause. He has an impressive, golden resumé of doing good. He’s revered, and I’m proud to be his. Even if it’s temporary and not entirely real.

Before Ash gets back to the table, I stand up and excuse myself from the head-spinning celebrities who paid extra to sit with Ash.

As I’m walking to the bar, the glow of long blonde hair catches my eye. I smile, seeing Victoria Holden.
