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The clear liquid, apparently water, in Victoria’s cut crystal glass likely means they are keeping their baby news quiet.

The emptiness of my life swamps me suddenly.

I wasted time with Michael. I hate how it ended, but at least I wasn’t dragged into a longer relationship with him, only to find out too late who he really is.

But I smile, accepting that heartache led to Ashton and Emery outbidding each other for me. And Ford looking at me like I’m the most gorgeous thing he’s ever seen. So much that he can’t keep his hands off me.

“Can you come by during the week for a fitting, Bernadette?” Victoria asks.

“I have to check my schedule. I’m,helpingEmery out this week.”

“Speak of the handsome devil,” she says with a cute wink.

I spin around and catch Emery’s jet-black hair gliding above the other mere mortal men who are less than six feet tall.

My heart pounds with excitement thinking he’s here to see me. Then the damn thing crashes into my stomach seeing a beautiful young woman on Emery’s arm.

My breath sticks in my lungs, as betrayal swirls irrationally inside my chest.

Ash’s touch makes my heart pound. Ford’s kisses and the way he felt inside me have me floating on cloud nine.

So why do I feel like I’m barreling toward earth?

Who the fuck is that woman with Emery?

Get a grip, my rational brain tells me. But the quick and hot stab of jealousy seeing him with another woman strikes my heart.

Victoria and Theo drift away leaving me with Sylvia.

“Ashton sounded incredibly strong tonight.” Her praise takes my eyes off Emery.

“He did.” I look for Ash, secretly spying on Mr. Austin, wondering if he’ll come over to say hello.

We had a deal. He is mine this month. Even if thatis selfish of me.

“You’re a fashion designer?” Sylvia asks.

I’m guessing she overheard our conversation or had me checked out.

“I am. Plus-size is my niche.” I can’t shy away from it.

Stella owns her curves, and it’s part of her success.

“Good for you. Do you have a line?”

“I have a collection ready to license to a designer in L.A.” I don’t mention she’s my best friend, worried that will hurt my credibility.

“There’sa backer for you if you want to start your own company.” Sylvia casually points to Victoria’s brother. “Carter Holden has billions to invest. He runs The Xavier Foundation, and they have a very diverse portfolio. We co-sponsor several start-up ventures.”

I heard the name, and shudder at what aFunded by The Xavier Foundationendorsement would mean for my credibility.

“Stella Raven is buying the rights to my line, and I’m going to work for her. We’ve known each other since design school.” It doesn’t hurt to strengthen my in with Stella.

“Stella Raven Designs?” Sylvia asks, and then Iknowshe checked me out.

“Yes. And Stella Raven Bridal is launching soon.”

“Your friend is doing fine.” Sylvia gives me a once-over. “Keep the line for yourself. Victoria has space in her production facility in Brooklyn, and I know she’s looking to lease out the available square footage.”
