Page 111 of Jump Back On

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I managedto keep my mind in the arena. Ty hadn't heard anything, and I had a feeling the bull riders would know if someone else was shipped off to the hospital. That meant Cody couldn't be too bad, right? So after running through the last of the re-rides, waving my hat around for the closing ceremony, and making sure Jorge and Isaac were good, I hurried back to our staging area to get my shit.

I was pulling off my protective gear when a man in a very starched shirt walked in. I saw him but figured he was one of the officials, here to check on something that had nothing at all to do with me. Shoving my padding into my bag, I grabbed my phone from the front pocket, not shocked at all to see a notification on the main screen. Swiping, I unlocked it and read as fast as I could.


Cody's hurt. Morphine. Taking her home. Dean's driving.


We picked up food.


You have the truck, right? Let me know if you need a ride. We got Cody's stuff.

Leaning my head back, I let out a sigh. Isaac noticed. "Everything ok?"

"They took Cody back to the hotel, so I think so," I said. "Pretty sure she won't be riding tomorrow, though." Then I turned to make sure Jorge knew as well.

But he was talking to that official, shaking his head. It didn't look good, but I really didn't have time for this. I had to make sure my girlfriend and boyfriend were taken care of. The pair of them! They were both fucked up now, and while I was sure Dean would be glad to help, that just didn't feel right.

"Hey, I'm out of here," I told Isaac. "Make sure Jorge knows?"

"Who's he talking to?" Isaac asked.

"Dunno and don't care," I said. "I'll see you two in the morning unless I hear from you before then, ok?"

"Go," Isaac told me.

I turned for the hall. He turned to head back to Jorge. Behind the chutes, a few guys were still having a good time, but the crowd had thinned a lot. I was pretty sure most of these guys had headed out to the closest bar. It was what bull riders always did.

Me? I was going home to my lovers. Maybe that home was another hotel in another town, but I was good with it. Home wasn't a place so much as a feeling, and those two sure gave it to me. Dean wasn't hurting any either. The man had surprised me, and I actually liked having him around.

Then again, I should've known better. Someone had taught Cody to look at things with her eyes wide open. That someone was clearly her father. He might not be fancy, but the man was genuine, and that was the same quality that made me like Cody so damned much.

She was one of those women where what I saw was what I got. J.D. was different. He liked to hide behind a whole lot of profanity and violence, but he was just as easy to care about. Once I'd figured out how to see through his bullshit, I'd found a very amazing man.

Although I still couldn't believe Cody had told her dad about us - or that he was ok with it. From the way Dean talked, it sounded like he didn't see a damned thing wrong with any of this, and it gave me a little bit of hope, because I liked these two.

Hell, "like" wasn't a strong enough word. I liked puppies. I liked fast cars. Cody and J.D.? The things I felt for them were a whole hell of a lot more than just "like." I was crushing on them so bad, even though I was actually with them! Wasn't this stupid giddy feeling supposed to stop at some point?

Well, seeing them hurt didn't exactly make me giddy, but as I climbed into the truck and turned it for the hotel, I realized it was a different sort of feeling. I wanted to spoil them. I wanted to be there for them. Hell, I was going to take care of them in my own way, and right now they couldn't exactly take care of themselves.

I liked being Cody's hero. I adored the way J.D. made me feel like his partner in crime. The three of us were quickly becoming the three amigos, or something, and I hated to even think it, but Ty fucking up was working out damned well for me. His loss, my gain, right?

When I reached our suite, I could hear voices inside. Unlocking the door, I stepped in to see the table filled with bags from at least three different places. Dean sat on one side. Cody and J.D. were on the other, and Cody had her left arm in a brace. Even more surprising, J.D.'s wheelchair was folded up against the wall.

"You ok?" I asked as I dropped my bags and headed the rest of the way in.

"Dean's a fucking dick," J.D. told me. "Bastard makes me get in and out of that torture device on my own."

But he held an arm out as he talked. My eyes jumped to Dean, yet I stepped closer, shocked as shit when J.D. pulled me down for a quick peck on the lips. Then he tipped his head at Cody.

"Your girl's lame on the left front," he joked.

Cody groaned. "I'm not a cow."
