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"What story can we give?" Tanner asked. "If we say no, they'll ask more and say we're lying. If we say yes, we're screwed. What the fuck can we even say that will make this better?"

"So we hit it head on?" J.D. asked.

"Your contracts have you covered. Your personal lives have no bearing on your representation of our product - or any other," Max swore. "Both of you. If anyone backs out, we'll sue for discrimination."

"Like that would work," I snarled. "They'll find another reason to get out of it, we'll get blackballed - "

"Not you, Cody," Tanner snapped. "This? It's not going to fucking touch you at all."

"Oh." Because while it felt like it was my problem as much as theirs, he was kinda right.

I hated it. Max and I had already talked about me taking the hits so they wouldn't have to. I was supposed to be the one they came after.Iwas prepared for all the negative press and problems getting sponsors. They were supposed to hit me so my guys could be safe!

But they weren't. The real question was why. Even more important was how. Who the fuck had told the media J.D. and Tanner were together? Ty? He wouldn't dare, would he? But who else knew? Whocouldknow?

Just on principle, I whipped off a text to Ty as well, asking if he'd said anything to anyone. I didn't expect a response, so I wasn't shocked when I didn't get one, and yet my mind was spinning. We needed to get our story straight, because there were far too many cameras and microphones pointed at people in the PBR. Someone would ask, and one of us was going to have to answer.

"Shit," I breathed as it hit me. "Guys, we play it off!"

"How?" Max asked from the phone.

"Tanner's right. This isn't about me," I explained. "Or is it? Austin's been making shit comments about Tanner being J.D.'s boyfriend. He's the one that started it in the first place, which is how we even got together."

"Doesn't matter," J.D. told me. "He'll have a real good story about how he's sure."

"And he already tried to jump me," I reminded them. "He and his friend were willing to beat the shit out of a woman. They're scared of me, you two are close to me, so thisisabout me. It's Austin and the people who don't want a woman in the PBR trying to chase me off just like they did back home."

"So we make it about how you're not quitting?" Max asked.

I was nodding. "Yeah, we have to. It's the only way this works, right?"

"It's bullshit, though," Tanner said. "Shit's going to come out, Cody."

"Maybe," I agreed, "but isn't the real point that neither of you are gay?"

"Bi's pretty much the same to most people," J.D. grumbled.

"And it's under the same umbrella," Max said. "While it's not right, it will be used."

"No, I got it," J.D. said, his eyes on Tanner as he angrily pulled on his clothes. "Cody's right, but she's not all the way right. Babe, you good with letting her take this for us?"

"No," Tanner muttered.

"So you got a better plan?" J.D. asked.

"No," Tanner replied, softer this time. "I just hate that she's doing this because of, well, this!"

"Because I don't get to take care of you?" I countered. "Tanner, you got run over by a bull to save me yesterday. J.D. cut a guy's face to save me. You both get to be the heroes. Can't it be my turn?"

Tanner paused, slowly looking up. "Yeah?"

His question didn't make sense, but the look on his face did. He was asking if I really wanted to go out on a limb for him. He was surprised I cared enough to risk all of this for a guy I hadn't said those three words to. He was asking me if I was sure, and it all got wrapped up in that one little word.

"Yeah," I said gently. "I can do this. I swear I can, and it's not like they're gonna stop complaining about me, so might as well let themonlycomplain about me, right?"

"And it buys us time," Max said, proving he was still with us. "She's right, J.D. You know she is. We need some breathing room to get our ducks in a row, and Cody deserves to help you as much as you help her."

"Like thirty grand worth of fines kind of help," I reminded him.
