Page 132 of Jump Back On

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"When J.D. was hurt?" I asked.

"Mhm," Isaac agreed. "Doesn't seem to matter that he was the last scheduled rider, or that we told you we had it, or that you knew your girlfriend would be upset."

"Nope," Jorge agreed. "Mr. Sousa here seems more worried about how it looks with the latestrumors."

So I turned to Mr. Sousa. Yeah, I knew his name. Antonio Sousa was a former rider from Brazil who now served on the PBR's board of directors. His responsibility was us, the bullfighters. When we wanted a pay raise, he was the guy we were supposed to talk to. He handled our contracts, medical leave, and vacation requests.

"So what's going on?" I asked him, trying to make this a conversation and not a flat-out fight.

"Tanner," Mr. Sousa said, "the board of directors had an emergency meeting last night. This event has seen more injuries than most, and the riders are complaining. The three of you are supposed to be our safety team, but you walked out of the arena."

"When a rider was injured," I clarified, "and Doc told me to watch his arms so he didn't hit anything as they carried him out on a stretcher."

"You still left when the other riders needed you most!" Mr. Sousa snapped. "We had re-rides left to run, and only two bullfighters. With the number of injuries..."

"From a string made of animals who we've all complained about?" I asked. "Disco Breakout's here. So is Without Ado. Both bulls have a reputation for chasing down riders in the dirt."

"Which means you knew you were leaving them - "

"No!" I sliced my hand through the air. "I knew both of the dangerous bulls had already gone out. The only ones left were animals that weren't known to cause problems, and riders who should've been able to handle it. Jorge and Isaac have worked together alone before I joined the team. They said they had it."

"And you still left your post," the man all but growled at me. "You are suspended, Tanner. An alternate has already been called in. He should arrive here any minute, and he will be filling your spot today and for the rest of this season."

I blinked. "Excuse me?" The rest of the season? Until fuckingfinals?

"The board of directors will review your contract after that time," Mr. Sousa told me.

Fuck. Oh shit. I felt like my heart wasn't beating and every nerve in my body was trying to fire off warning flares. My skin prickled. My flesh felt cold. My head was spinning, but I refused to show any of it. I was a damned bullfighter, and I'd faced things a lot more terrifying than this, right?

"We're not working without Tanner," Jorge said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"The three of us are a team," Isaac agreed.

"Then you can take the day off as well," Mr. Sousa informed them. "I'll have the alternate team ready before the fans arrive."

"You're shitting me," Isaac said. "The alternates haven't ever worked together!"

"Only Peter McClain has worked a Tough Enough show," I pointed out.

"But the three of them work Touring Pro," Mr. Sousa countered. "They see these same bulls before any of you get to."

"When the bulls are still young and learning!" Jorge snapped. "Seriously? You're going to let the three of us sit on the sidelines during one of the hardest strings you've had, and why? Because Tanner put in extra effort to help a rider?"

"Or is it something else?" Isaac asked. "Because we saw the press outside too."

I just groaned and shoved my face into my hand. "You've got to be shitting me. This really is about some fucked-up rumors?"

"This," Mr. Sousa clarified, "is about the board's decision. This, Tanner, is what you brought on yourself."

"I didn't do shit wrong!" I shot back. "I did exactly what Doc Stephens told me to!"

"And the doctor is responsible for the sports medicine team. Not the safety team."

"It's bullshit," Jorge grumbled. "But fuck 'em. Let's see how long it is before you're begging us to come back, huh?"

"And we're not working without Tanner," Isaac said. "That's why we're so good. That's why you haveus,and not someone else, handling those bulls!"

"But that's where you're mistaken," Mr. Sousa said just a little too calmly. "The three of you won't be working with these bulls. In case you missed it, this is the Professional Bull Riders event. Not bullfighting. You aren't the main attraction. The fans are here to see the riders."

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