Page 52 of Jump Back On

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I recognizedDisco Breakout the moment he was out of the chute. I'd also been watching, because I'd heard the announcer call out Ty's name. Leaning against the back rail of the walkway, I was doing my best to play it cool, but I had a feeling J.D. saw right through me.

It didn't matter. Ty looked good up there. I'd ridden that bull, so I knew exactly how powerful he was, but Ty only wobbled a bit. His core was nice and strong. Hell, I'd seen those ridges of muscles across his abs up close and personal. He had the strength to do this. He also had the size - and knew how to use it.

Typically, being too tall was a disadvantage for a bull rider, but Ty didn't seem to care. Instead of worrying about his legs being too long to get a good grip or his upper body being so tall it got whipped around, he made it all into an advantage. Granted, he was twice as wide as some of these guys, which helped.

For a moment, I was sure Ty was about to slip, yet he pulled himself back into place with his willpower alone, and then he rode. Damn, that man could ride a bull. It was the thing I'd liked most about him, and for the first time in far too long, he was giving this his all.

If there was a textbook on how to sit a rank bull, Ty's picture on Disco Breakout would be right at the front. The man was almost mechanical in his movements. Everything was done to keep him centered. His head never popped up. He just stuck there like this was what he'd been born to do.

Then a hand swept across my chin. "I think you got a little drool," J.D. teased.

I grunted, not impressed. I didn't take my eyes off Ty, though. "He's good."

"Yup, when he tries," J.D. agreed. "He just ain't had a real reason to try before."

Yeah, and I didn't wanna think about why he was so willing to try now. But when Ty hit eight and pulled his rope, I was braced for the worst. Disco Breakout had come after me back in Tulsa. That bull had hooked me good, sending me flying. What would he do to Ty?

It didn't matter. Ty hit the ground hard, digging his face into the dirt, but Tanner was right there. My boyfriend surged in, cupping the side of that bull's face to actually turn its head, and then doubled back. Disco Breakout spun to follow the annoyance that had dared to touch him, and Isaac rushed forward. Jorge gave Ty a little push as he rushed past, and that seemed to be all Ty needed.

The rider raced for the side wall. The bullfighters did their dance around the bull, and within seconds the beast was done. The moment the outrider moved his horse in, swinging that rope over his head, the bull decided the big gate to freedom was the place to be, knocking Jorge off his feet in the process.

"I expected that to get ugly," J.D. admitted beside me.

"Yeah," I agreed, because I kinda had too.

What I really didn't expect was for Ty to walk over to Tanner. The men shared a word. Jorge and Isaac joined them, passed over Ty's rope, and then the three shared a fist bump. It looked friendly. It looked casual. To me, it looked real fucking confusing, but I was actually ok with this.

Ty wasn't a bad guy. He was just a shit boyfriend. He was selfish, horny, and oblivious to my ambitions. He was so worried about taking care of me that he couldn't wrap his mind around the fact that I'd spent my entire life taking damned good care of myself.

Sadly, he was also gorgeous.

Seeing him saunter his pretty little ass out of the arena, I had to sigh. Yes, I'd gone there. I didn't regret it, because like my best friend back home always said, there wasn't a thing wrong with having a little fun. That was all Ty had been: fun. He'd thrown me into bed the way I'd always wanted, and then he'd worn out his usefulness when he got needy, right?

That was my story and I was sticking to it!

"So," I said, deciding I needed to think about something - anything - else. "Ten more until your turn, right?"

"Three more sets," J.D. agreed. "Why, wanna go get some ice cream, have a little chat about boys or something?"

I smacked his arm with the backs of my knuckles. "No, I wanted to change the subject."

"Oh!" He flashed me that grin he was known for. "Right. Well, there's that hunk of a man out in the arena. I mean, we could talk about him?"

"Jorge?" I teased. "Or is Isaac more your type."

He gave me a withering look. "Naw. I meant how you were curled up on that boy's chest last night."


Nodding, J.D. clasped my arm and moved me down the railing a bit so we could see the next group. "Yup, and I'm real fond of our suite. Only thing it's missing is a hot tub."

"Shit," I muttered. "If you figure out how to get a fucking hot tub in a hotel room, I'm down for it. I'd just need a bathing suit, since I didn't exactly pack one for bull riding!"

"Promise, ya really don't," he said before planting himself on the rail again. "Cody?"


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