Page 85 of Jump Back On

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I reached out to check the temperature of the water, then stepped in. "Austin said boyfriend," I pointed out. "I don't think he was talking to me, Tanner."

He waited until I was out of the way, then stepped in as well. "He's been trying that line for a bit now. Kinda the whole reason we got together, remember?"

"And now he's saying you were holding J.D.'s hand," I countered.

"Because I was. Jorge was before me. J.D. needed something to crush for the pain, since he couldn't have morphine."

"But they'll use that," I insisted. "That's what I'm saying!"


"So don't be alone," I repeated. "You three are a pack, right? They'll have your back, and I already know Jorge and Isaac can fight."

"What about you?" He gestured for me to take the water, then reached for the shampoo. "You're going to be alone behind the chutes, Cody."

My mind jumped back to Jake pushing to his feet. "I don't think so."

"Ty?" he asked.

I turned so Tanner could have my wet hair, but I'd forgotten all about Ty. It had only been a week and he'd already become a side note to me. Still, he had helped last night. He'd gone out of his way to make sure we were all taken care of, so he deserved a little credit for that.

"Maybe?" I murmured at how good it felt for Tanner to scrub my head. "But Gustavo, the Brazilians, Ty, Jake, and a few more have been cool with me."

"Because my girlfriend's the darling of the PBR," he teased.

I laughed. "I dunno about that. I do know I won't be making the top ten this time."

"Don't care," Tanner told me.

"Yeah, but I do, and I'm starting to get pissed about it." I glanced back. "They think I'm going to break, Tanner. Everyone out there is waiting for me to snap like some china doll."

"But you won't."

I stepped back, feeling the water rinsing the suds from my hair. "Nope," I agreed. "I don't break. I just jump back on. No matter what, I'll always get back on, because that's how this game is played. And I know you'll handle the rest."

"Promise," he breathed.


I wasn't toohappy to see that surgeon who'd given me an attitude, but he was the one who came to let me know I was well enough to go home. Of course, that was after he checked my incision and chewed me out again. Then he said the words I really didn't want to hear.

"And I'm prescribing you a wheelchair. You will be leaving here in one."

"Can't I just get crutches, Doc?" I begged.

From across the room, Dean snorted out a laugh. "How many ribs did you break, boy?"

Smiling, the doctor turned to look at Cody's dad. "Are you his father?"

"Yep," Dean said, surprising me a bit.

"Well, it's a pleasure to meet you," the doctor said, heading over to offer Dean his hand. "He's going to be on bed rest for the next week, at least. I'd like him to keep that knee elevated, but his ribs may not allow it. I've got three prescriptions here. One antibiotic, just to be careful, and two pain options."

"No opiates," I grumbled.

"No opiates," the doctor assured me. "One of these is for regular use. Every four hours. It'll keep the swelling down too. The other is in case the first isn't cutting it. Since you don't have a regular pharmacy around here..." He offered Dean the slip of paper without taking his attention off me. "I also sent a copy of your records to Dr. Stephens with the PBR."

That news let me relax. "Good," I said.
