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After a long moment, he gently set me down, his smile fading. “Oh geez, sorry about that,” he said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. “I just got caught up in the moment. I wasn’t thinking. Especially after, you know, last night.” His green eyes searched mine questioningly.

I reached out and squeezed his arm reassuringly. “It’s okay, Dylan. I didn’t mind at all.” We shared a small, nervous laugh, the emotional charge still crackling between us.

“Come on in,” he said, standing aside. I brushed past him through the doorway, skin tingling from our brief contact. Here goes nothing.

I took a seat on Dylan’s worn leather sofa and patted the cushion next to me. He sat down cautiously, keeping a polite distance between us. I saw the concern etched on his face and took his hands in mine. His skin was rough and calloused against my smooth fingers.

“Dylan,” I began gently. “Before this goes any further between us, I need to know we both want the same thing here.”

He opened his mouth to respond, then closed it and nodded for me to continue. I smiled, appreciating his effort not to talk over me.

“I know we started this whole fake engagement thing as a silly charade,” I said. “But last night at the festival, somethingshifted. Those kisses, the way we held each other watching the felt real.”

I met his earnest gaze. “You have to understand. I haven’t dated anyone since I moved here a year ago. My focus has been on my art. But in that time, I’ve seen the parade of women entering and leaving your place.”

Dylan winced slightly. I pressed on gently, letting out a slow breath, and gathering my courage. “If last night was just a bit of fun for you, I understand. I enjoyed myself too, in the moment.” I offered him a small smile. “If that’s the case, I hope we can still be friends. But nothing more can happen between us again.”

Dylan opened his mouth to respond, but I held up a hand. “Let me finish.” He nodded.

“If you want something more, I’m open to that, too. I know this fake fiancé thing started as a kind gesture, but...” I trailed off, feeling suddenly shy. “Well, I’ve really come to care about you these past few weeks, Dylan. And I think you might feel the same way about me.”

I met his gaze again, searching those mossy green eyes. “So I guess what I’m asking is...where do you see this going? I’m not the ‘friends with benefits’ type. Just friends, or maybe something real?” My heart pounded in my chest and I held my breath, terrified yet hopeful of his response.

Dylan was silent for a long moment, brow furrowed in thought. Finally, he spoke, his voice gentle but serious.

“Avery, you’re right. Last night was more than just fun for me. Holding you, kissing awakened feelings I didn’t even know I had.” He squeezed my hands, rough thumbs grazing my knuckles.

“You deserve more than just a casual fling. And I want to give that to you if you’ll let me.” He lifted one hand to cradle my cheek tenderly. “I care about you, Aves. I want to see where this could go between us. Something real.”

My pulse quickened at his words. I covered his hand with mine, leaning into his touch. “I’m so glad to hear you say that. I want that too,” I whispered.

Relief flooded Dylan’s face. He grinned and pulled me into a fierce embrace. I clung to him, breathing in his smoky scent, finally allowing myself to hope for a future together. His muscular arms wrapped tightly around me as I pressed my cheek against the soft cotton of his t-shirt. I felt his heart’s steady thump and chest’s rise and fall. We stayed locked in each other’s arms for a long moment, neither one of us wanting to let go. The bustle of the world around us faded away. In this perfect moment, it was just the two of us.

Eventually, we pulled back just enough to meet in a soft, sweet kiss. His lips were warm and gentle against mine. One hand came up to cradle my face while the other rested lightly on my lower back. The kiss deepened ever so slightly as we savored the taste and feel of each other. I ran my fingers through his tousled hair and felt him smile against my lips. When we finally broke apart, we were both a little breathless. His piercing green eyes gazed down at me with affection. I knew my eyes reflected the same.


I left Dylan’s house with a lingering kiss on his cheek. I looked forward to making a special romantic dinner tonight. I told him we deserved it. As I strolled down the sidewalk, I couldn’t keep the dreamy smile off my face, caught up in thoughts of him and our blossoming relationship. My steps felt lighter than air as I made my way into town, buoyed by the happiness bubbling up inside me.

The familiar streets of Pebble Point were usually like a comforting blanket. Still, I barely noticed the quaint shops andfriendly faces passing by today. My mind was filled with visions of the romantic evening ahead - what I would cook, how I would set the mood with candles and music. I wanted everything to be perfect to celebrate this new chapter with Dylan.

Lost in planning, I was startled when I arrived at the grocery store’s doors. I grabbed a basket and headed inside, inhaling the mingling scents of fresh bread, ripe produce and spice. Wandering the aisles, I gathered the ingredients for a memorable meal - plump red tomatoes, a bouquet of fresh basil, garlic cloves, and a wedge of Parmesan. I carefully selected each item, imagining Dylan’s smile when he took the first bite.

I lingered over the dried linguine in the pasta section, picturing the steam rising in delicate wisps as I drained it for our dinner. I chose a hearty bottle of red wine to complement the meal, already imagining us toasting to new beginnings. With almost everything I needed piled in my basket, I picked up a small bunch of delicately colored lilies headed and for the register, my heart swelling with anticipation.

Waiting in line, I noticed a familiar face - Ethan, Dylan’s friend and fellow firefighter. He had a look of concern as he approached me. “Hey Avery,” he said warmly, “I just wanted to check in, see how Dylan’s doing after everything at the lighthouse?”

I smiled, touched by his thoughtfulness. I reassured him that Dylan was okay, just a little tired and shaken up. Ethan nodded, relief washing over his face. “That’s good to hear. It was a close call.” He went on to update me that the damage wasn’t as bad as they first feared. The beloved Pebble Point Lighthouse would recover from the fire, much to the town’s collective relief.

We chatted a bit more about the harrowing experience as the line moved forward. I always appreciated Ethan’s grounded, caring nature. He and Dylan had been friends for years, their bond forged by their dangerous, meaningful work.

As I paid for my groceries, Ethan gave me a knowing grin. “Have fun with dinner tonight,” he said with a wink. I laughed, my cheeks flushing slightly. “Am I that obvious?” I asked. “Let’s just say I haven’t seen Dylan this happy in a long time. You two are great together.” His words filled me with joy.

We said our goodbyes in front of the market. I set off for home, floating on air again as I imagined the evening with Dylan. The sun was dipping lower in the sky, casting everything in a warm, magical light.

When I got home, I arranged the flowers in a tall cut-glass vase for the table. I tidied up, wanting things to be perfect, then started preparing our meal. The kitchen was soon filled with delicious scents and sizzling sounds. I hummed to myself as I worked, stealing glances at the clock.

Right on time, there was a knock at the door. I set down my spoon and hurried over, butterflies swirling in my stomach. When I opened the door, there was Dylan, looking unfairly handsome. Before I could say anything, he pulled me into an embrace.
