Page 106 of What Burns Between

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I rest my head against Digger, attempting to catch my breath, and ask, "Do you seriously expect me to pick just one of you after that?”



Tyke frowns,tilts his head a little, and then locks eyes with me.

She wants both? How does that work in the club? There's nothing in the rules about old ladies having multiple brothers; only brothers being able to take multiple old ladies.

"You want us both?" I lift Rae off my lap, feeling shit when she winces at the loss of my cock.

Tyke strides around the sofa, naked as the day he was born and dick swinging free to open a cloak closet on the back wall. He reaches high and retrieves a towel and a pack of wipes I didn't know the fucker hid back there.

"I mean, if I have to pick..." She buries her face in her hands, dropping to the sofa to the left of me. "Oh, my God. What did I just do?"

"You had the fucking time of your life," I say with a slight chuckle.

"It's the comedown," Tyke explains, handing me the towel. He pulls a couple of wipes and urges Rae to sit straight. "You're dropping out of the sex-induced high, so now your brain and body think it's in a low." He chucks her chin before starting thejob of cleaning her off. "You ain't got a thing to be ashamed about."

"I just..." She sighs, head dropped back onto the seat. "You're both great guys. I don't want to confuse things and hurt either of you."

Tyke shares another look with me, and I know exactly what he asks."Can we do this?"

I want to think we can, but other than a couple of bunnies we tag-teamed as teenagers, we haven't shared a woman before.

"Don't worry about us," he assures her. "You make the decision that's right for you."

She lifts her head, looking me over first, before watching the way he cleans her off with care. "I don't want to pick just yet. Is that selfish?"

"No more selfish than us asking you to pick." Tyke shrugs. "I'm down to try this. What about you, Dig?"

Ask me half an hour ago if I wanted to share Rae, and I would have pointed a gun at your head and told you where to get off, but now? Seeing her choke on Tyke's dick was surprisingly arousing. He's my brother, sure; we cross swords, and I'm likely to puke. But having her feel so free with someone I trust? I liked that for her. "I can give it a try."

Rae twists a little so she faces us evenly. "Are we seriously doing this?"

I run my hand along her jaw. "Yeah, baby. We are."

Tyke frowns, bundling the used wipes, then pulling one out to clean himself. "Ground rules, though. I say Rae picks who's bed she's in and how many of us are in it."

"Sounds fair." Saves us going at it like a couple of cocks in the yard.

I swipe the towel across my legs, wiping the evidence of just how good Rae's time was from my skin. I'm going to need ashower after this. My gaze catches hers, the hesitation still there despite our assurances we can do this. “What?”

“This doesn’t mean I agree with what you said earlier.” She chews her bottom lip before adding. “I’m not selling myself to Connor. I won’t help you do that.”

Nostrils flaring, I glance away. Two things piss me off in this moment. One is that she doesn’t get how serious this is for us—the club. But I can’t blame her for that. Can’t bring a green girl into the fray and expect her to bleed colors the same as me and my brothers. Second thing that heats my veins is the insinuation we’d fucking use what’s ours like that.

“Baby girl, I’m gonna tell you this once, so I want you to listen and listen real good.” Her legs press together at the growl in Tyke’s tone. “Dig and I might have agreed to share you between ourselves, but when it comes to anyone outside our little circle of trust, you best bet I’d cut off the fucking hands of a motherfucker who dared touch you that way. You’re ours, Rae,” he stresses, slamming a palm to his heart. “And that means any fucker with two good eyes who looks at you even a beat too long will know, and know fast, who you belong to. You get me?”

“Yeah,” she whispers, a flush rousing those pretty cheeks. “I get you.”

“Only man who gets to touch you now is me or Tyke,” I affirm. “You have any trouble, you let us take care of it. Okay?”

Rae nods, hand stroking a path up and down her opposite arm.

I take pride in the way she swoons, knowing she’s got two rough fuckers ready to go to war for her. We don’t claim her to possess her. We fucking claim her to protect her. Ain’t nobody ever possessing this beauty—not on my watch.

She’s her own woman. She’s just our woman, too.
