Page 107 of What Burns Between

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The only fucking thing I want her offering up to Connor fucking Creed is a pretty smile and an invite of peace. There ain’t any need for her to go further than that.

Six to twelve months of compliance is all we need from her, andthenshe can have her revenge. Hell, I’ll even sharpen the blade.

"What do we tell everyone?" Rae says quietly, turning her shirt in the right way. "It's going to be weird, isn't it?"

She pulls the fabric over her head, missing the look I give Tyke. Yeah, it will be weird, but we know better than she does that no one will dare question the presidentandthe V.P. "You sayin' you want to keep it a secret?” I ask her. "Because that'll be pretty darn hard." I shake free an awkward laugh.

She doesn't share the sentiment. Worry lines tug at her brow; gaze averted to her quest to find her pants. “Not even a week, I've been here," she says. "And now you expect your club to accept the fact I've found my way into not just one bed but two? How's that going to look?"

"Like you're extremely talented?" Tyke chuckles, face falling when he meets her unrelenting glare. "Yeah, I get you, honey. But we've already made it clear to the officers that we'd match you up with one of us for safety's sake. They won't question the situation, maybe just that Digs and I are insane enough to share a beauty like you."

"And can you?" She hitches an eyebrow, clasping her jeans. "Share? Or will I drive a wedge between the two of you?" Her lips flatten. “Again.”

I look to Tyke as I answer. "I'm sure we're both mature enough to bring any resentment up with the other before it becomes an issueagain.”

He nods, dragging a hand over his beard. “Too right. That's our burden to shoulder, not yours, Rae."

"With all due respect," she huffs on a bitter laugh. "Things that shouldn't have been my problem before have become such, so excuse me if I'm skeptical."

"We'll work it out." I rise to my feet, still buck naked, and sweep the fuss-ball into my arms. "Don't worry your pretty head about how we feel about each other. Just know we both care about you." I nuzzle into her neck; her back pressed flushed with my front.

Parts of me apparently find this an invitation to start again.Fuck's sake.I step away before I let the fresh scent of sex on her drive me to cause further discomfort for her in the coming days and search out my clothes. At least what remains of them after I gave her my shirt to clean off.Souvenir?Fuck, I'm a sick bastard.

"What about Maddie?" Rae whispers, stalling both Tyke and me in our ministrations.

I look to my brother for help, unsurprised when I find him head down with his palm rubbing the back of his swede. Fuck the brothers—his daughter will be the goddamn canon when we announce the arrangement.

"Let me talk with her," Tyke says, releasing a sigh. "Fuck."

"Maybe this isn't a good idea." Rae searches high and low, and it's only then that I twig that she put her jeans back on sans underwear. "Perhaps I shouldn't pick either of you. Make it easier on everyone."

"Stop that shit." I retrieve her panties from beneath the coffee table and offer them her way. "You know what we promise each other around here?"

She shakes her head, taking the lingerie and shoving them in her pocket.Should have done the same.

"Each man promises that they'll never intentionally step in the way of the other's happiness unless that call is made for the safety of a brother or his family." I nod toward Tyke, who isbusy pouring himself a drink across the room. "It's why I didn't stop that fucker marrying the witch when I knew better; he was happy."

He flinches at the mention of Charlene, turning with glass in his hand and surprising me by handing it to Rae. "Take the edge off your nerves."

She accepts the offering and open throats the two fingers of whiskey. "Thanks." Her word is croaked from a scorched throat, yet I get the feeling she'd take the whole bottle if offered. "Can I be the one to break it to Maddie? I feel as though it'll be less of a cop-out if I do."

"Fair enough." Tyke takes the empty glass from her and sets it aside. He lifts a hand and caresses the side of her face. My palm buzzes, knowing how that feels. "Send her my way when you're done, yeah?"

"I don't think I'll do it tonight." Rae glances to the door. "Not when she's been drinking, and it’s so late. Let me do this tomorrow when we're all sober and I've had time to think of how to say it."

"Of course." He rests his palm snug against her nape and tugs her forward, stealing her mouth.

I swallow, acutely aware he's entitled to do so in front of me, but also aware seeing him take her like that makes me want to do the same.Fuck.Maybe sharing will be harder than I thought.

As though reading my thoughts, Rae turns from Tyke's embrace and closes the gap between us. She stops before me, gaze begging for forgiveness with the way she peers up at me. I can't stay mad at the girl—not for doing exactly what we fucking said she could. "Shit, woman." I grip her face with both hands, chasing away Tyke's taste with a kiss of my own.

Her submission is the sweetest hell.

We don't deserve this woman's trust. And after she learns why we need her leverage over Terry, she'll never forgive us for what we've done.


