Page 10 of Colton

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“What part?”

“The part about last night.”

She smiles, her cheeks reddening. “I had a really good time, okay?”

“The BEST time I think you said.” Her cheeks heat a little more.

“Fine. I said it was ONE of the best nights of my life.” She looks around, then leans in. “But it could have been anywhere, Colton. I don’t need this,” she waves her hand at the restaurant, “to be happy. YOU made me happy last night.”

“So if we left here and grabbed burgers at a diner you’d be okay with that?”

Her eyes brighten. “More than okay. I’d LOVE that.”

Just then the waiter approaches our table. “Good evening. My name is Jaques. I’ll be taking care of you this evening. May I make some wine suggestions perhaps? We just got in a shipment of-”

I stand, startling our waiter. Marley grins from ear to ear as I pull out my wallet and drop a $100 dollar bill on the table. “Sorry Jaques, we decided to dine elsewhere.”

I take her hand and we stride out of the restaurant, her giggles music to my ears. When we reach the lobby, I turn to her and she nearly doubles over with laughter.

“The look on that waiter’s face was priceless, Colton! That was fantastic.” I laugh with her, and she stands, drawing in a deep breath before focusing her attention entirely on me.

“Never try to be something you aren’t for me, Colton. I like you just the way you are.”

I bend down and kiss her forehead. How did I find such an amazing girl?

I take Marley’s hand to lead her out to my truck, but feel a tug when she stops. “Colton, look. That little boy is crying and I don’t see a parent nearby. Come on.”

I follow her over to the little kid. I’ve got no idea how old he is or what to say to him. But Marley bends down so that she’s eye level with him, and smiles.

“Hi there. My name’s Marley. What’s yours?”

“Ja, Jackson, “ he replies, tears falling down his chubby little cheeks.

Marley pats him on the shoulder, and he leans into her instantly. “There there, Jackson. It will be okay. Tell me why you are upset? Where’s your mom and dad?”

He looks up at her, hip bottom lip trembling. “I don’t know!” Another wail escapes his lips as Marley stands, and takes little Jackson’s hand.

“Come on Jackson, let's go see the nice people behind that desk over there. What do we do when we are lost, Jackson?”

He takes a deep breath, then looks up at her. “We ask for help from a mom or someone in uniform?”

“Oh Jackson, you are so smart! How did you get to be so smart? I teach Kindergarten kids and I bet not all of my students know that!”

He beams at Marley, and she smiles right back. I follow them to the desk, where she starts to ask Jackson what his mommy’s name is when a frantic voice yells out from the elevator bank, “Jackson! Where are you? Jackson!!”

“Over here!” Marley calls out, “At the Front Desk!”

A worried-looking young mom rushes to Jackson. “Oh my goodness, I was so worried. Are you okay Jackie?”

Jackson smiles at his mom and points to Marley. “Miss Marley helped me. She’s a teacher.”

The mom wraps her arms around Marley. “Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I was struggling with my key card and turned around to hear the elevator door ding and he was gone. I didn’t know which floor he could have gone to or anything. I was so worried!”

Marley pats her on the back, and gives her an understanding smile. “Oh, I believe you. My Kindergarteners are experts at pulling disappearing acts.”

“Come on Jackie, let’s go to our room.” She turns back one more time to Marley. “Oh, do you work at the local school? We are moving to town and I hear the school is in desperate need of more teachers. Especially Kindergarten. I know Jackson would love to be in your class when he’s old enough!”

“Oh no, I’m afraid I don’t live here,” Marley replies.
