Page 9 of Colton

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That’s Elise for you. She’s so excited that I went on a date.


So you really don’t date much? I feel so honored to have been chosen.


As you should.




I’m the one that’s honored. In fact, I’d be honored if you’d let me take you to dinner tonight, like we discussed. How about the restaurant at the new Valley View Resort?


Sounds great.


Excellent. I’ll pick you up at 7:00 if that works.


See you then.

Chapter 6


“Wow, this place is so nice.” I’m enjoying watching Marley take in the huge lobby of the resort as we make our way through it amid the hum of conversation and laughter.

“Yes, it seems they spared no expense on the decor.”

“I’ll say. Look at those chandeliers! I bet the price of one alone would have covered my college tuition.”

The host greets us at the entrance to the restaurant and shows us to our table. I’m once again admiring the perfection that is Marley’s curvy figure as her hips sway beneath the shimmery dress she has on.

After we are seated, I smile at her. “You look fantastic in that dress. Did you actually bring it with you?”

She laughs in response. “Heavens no. I borrowed it from Maddie. I don’t even own anything this nice.”

She fidgets with her dress, glancing around the room. I assumed she’d love this, but she looks uncomfortable. She releases a breath and smiles at me. “You look very nice.”

Tugging at the too-tight collar of my dress shirt, I nod. “Thanks. Haven’t worn anything like this in ages. I’m used to more casual clothes, to be sure.”

She frowns. “So why are we here, Colton? This place doesn’t really seem like somewhere you would hang out.”

I chuckle. “It’s not. But I thought that since you’re from a big city, you’d prefer a fancier date than what we did last night. Don’t you young people like to dress up and go to fancy restaurants these days?”

Marley rolls her eyes. “Seriously Colton? I had one of the best nights of my life last night. Who are you calling ‘young’ like you’re some old guy? You have a better body than anyone I’ve ever dated. And why in the world would you think I’d prefer some stuffy overpriced-”

“Say that again,” I interrupt her.
