Page 11 of Buck Me NOW, Cowboy

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He’s standing there grinning at me, a bouquet of flowers in his hand.

“Archer, what are you doing?” Everyone in the entire bakery is watching us.

“Ladies and gentlemen, if you don’t already know, this lovely lady is Miss Olivia Henderson. She’s the one who makes those cheesecake brownies you are all enjoying, among other things.” The crowd cheers as I frown at him. What is he up to?

“She’s the kindest and sweetest and hottest girl I know.” The crowd laughs. “She’s the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. And I’m hoping with all my heart that she’ll do me the honor of becoming my wife.” The crowd is silent as he gets down on one knee and takes my hand.

“Livie baby, I’ve loved you from the moment you made me fall off that horse.” The crowd laughs again as I shake my head. “Even if it did take someone else making me see that. But I see everything clearly now. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. Will you marry me, baby? Say yes, and make me the luckiest cowboy this side of the Yellowstone River.”

I nod, and the crowd goes bananas as he stands and kisses me before sliding a beautiful diamond solitaire ring on my finger. We hug, and I see Elise and Rhett smiling in the corner, along with the other ranch hands. I see Will clapping, but cutting his eyes at the newest waitresswe just hired, Layla. She looks over at him and rolls her eyes.Ha!

Then my attention is on Archer as he takes my face in his hands, and smiles before bending down and tossing me over his shoulder.

“Elise, if you don’t mind, I think I’d like to take my fiancè home early today.” She laughs so hard she has to hold onto Rhett, but nods her head and waves her hand for him to exit.

Archer throws me in his truck, and we head back to our place where we spend the rest of the afternoon and well past midnight in bed. I can’t get enough of my hot cowboy, and I can’t believe how many times he can make me scream his name in one night. There is definitely something in the water here in Heart River.

