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Her eyes widen a fraction but it's quickly replaced with determination. "Consider it done, Mr. Ledger."

I let out a soft chuckle. "Call me Weston."

Quinn leans in, there's a noticeable shift in her attitude. She subtly wets her lips, smirking in a way that completely throws me off. "Weston, let's cut to the chase. I'm here to work, not to become the latest office scandal. I plan to drive this company's success, prep my replacement, and then I’m heading back home."

She rises from her seat confidently, not bothering to wait for my response. "If there's nothing else, I'd like to work on the charity project." She strides towards the door, and I'm momentarily lost for words. Just before she exits, she turns back looking thoughtful. "And since I'm your assistant and handling project management, is there anything else you need before I get started?"

Stunned, I find myself shaking my head. "No, you're all set. Greig will show you your new office."

Quinn's lips curve into a smile, revealing a stunning set of pearly whites before she exits.

Fuck.Keeping it professional is going to be nearly impossible.It's more than just her beauty; it's her audacity that leaves me gasping for air. Women usually do as I say, but Quinn is a whole different game.

It's already too late. She's awakened a part of me that I can't, and don't want to, ignore. She's defiant and I want to tame her. I want to know what her lips taste like. I want to smell her shampoo. I want her nails digging into the skin of my back as she begs me not to stop fucking her.

Just once, that's all it will take to get her out of my system. After that, Quinn can keep up her act of indifference, and I'll play along. As I pull out my phone, I resist the urge to send a middle finger emoji to my partners. They've thrown a curveball my way with Quinn – a challenge in every sense of the word.

I shoot them a text in our group chat.

Me:"Why'd you assholes send me someone you plan on getting back? Lol."

Blake:"Who'd you send Rick? Bethany or Quinn?"


Blake:"You gambled away our top talent. I doubt she's coming back, Lol."

Rick."Very funny. Six months Wes! Six months."

Me:"I might have to make it seven." I joke.

Blake:"Don't shit where you eat, brother."

Me:"Why not? It worked out well for you, didn't it?"

Rick:"Easy there, bud. That's my daughter you're talking about. By the way, how are my grandkids."

Blake:"Growing like weeds. When are you coming to Paris?"

I slide my phone in my pocket disengaging from what's become a family chat.

I rise from my desk adjusting my tie. It's time for me to introduce her to the team.

I head toward the boardroom where about twenty employees are already gathered. The large windows let in the morning sun, casting long shadows across the polished mahogany table.

As I take my place at the front, I notice Greig ushering Quinn into the room, having just shown her to her new office. Her blue eyes meet mine and linger a moment longer than necessary. She can fool herself all she wants but she isn't fooling me.

I motion for her to come up front with me. "Team, this is Quinn Russo," I announce, "She'll be assisting us for the next six months."

There's a chorus of welcoming murmurs. "Welcome, Quinn," says Marissa, our marketing lead who I've chosen to work closely with her. Initially, it was going to be Greig but when he came over last night upset about being replaced, I decided against it. His only job was to show her to his former office and that's about it.

"She'll also be taking the lead on our high-profile contribution for the charity event," I add, noting the ripple of surprise among the team.

Greig's displeasure is immediate, but he masks it well, only a brief tightening of his jaw giving him away.

"Any questions or comments before we wrap up?" I ask, sweeping my gaze across the room. The team seems content, nodding in agreement. "Alright then, let's get back to it."

As the team starts to disperse, I catch Quinn's gaze. There's a brief moment where her breath seems to hitch, a subtle reaction that doesn't go unnoticed by me, though it's missed by everyone else filing out of the room.
