Page 5 of Cross

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Then, unexpectedly, he leaned in close, seemingly about to kiss her, but Dana’s instincts kicked in, and she shoved him away.

Panther’s expression shifted, revealing his annoyance, but thankfully, one of his buddies called from outside, interrupting the tense moment.

“Panther, I think we might have a lead!” the voice called.

Panther shot Dana a disdainful look.

“Always so high and mighty, aren’t you? Someday, you’re going to regret that,” Panther said.

“You got what you wanted, now leave. I have a business to run,” Dana pointed.

Panther clenched his fists, and for a moment, Dana worried he might do something utterly reckless. Cross, even though he was injured, continued to glare at Panther, ready for action.

Dana had a hunch that if a fight broke out, Cross would come out on top, even in his weakened state. But what good would that do?

Dana weighed the options. If Cross won the fight, he’d likely be on his way back to his MC, leaving Dana to deal with the fallout. The Crimson Crows would undoubtedly retaliate, sending more of their goons after her and her father, turning their lives into a never-ending nightmare. It was a lose-lose situation.

Fortunately, both bikers decided to keep their tempers in check, much to Dana’s relief. Panther finally peeled himself away from her, a sly grin playing on his lips.

“I’ll see you again soon, Dana,” he said, then added, “Perhaps you’ll be in a better mood next time.”

With that, Panther turned and swaggered away.

Dana remained rooted to the spot, watching them until the growl of motorcycle engines grew fainter and finally faded away into the distance.

“I really thought I was going to have to gut that bastard. Hell, I was looking forward to doing it,” Cross said.

Dana glanced at him, her frustration clear. He didn’t look any better at all, still pale and with some of his bandages reopened.

She couldn’t help but shoot back, “What do you expect me to say to that?”

Cross blinked, looking genuinely perplexed. “Did I do something wrong?”

Dana rolled her eyes at his apparent cluelessness. “Arrogant man. In a few hours, your buddy will probably come to get you out of this mess, but now Panther has his eye on me. Have you ever thought about the mess you bikers leave behind, or what happens to the locals caught up in your problems?”

She paused, realizing her own anger was somewhat misplaced.

Taking a deep breath, she grumbled, “I don’t even know why I’m so worked up. I should just let you rest and mind my own business. After all, I made the decision to help you, so I’ll have to deal with the consequences.”

Cross, in an unexpected move, gently cupped her cheek and locked his gaze with hers. Dana couldn’t help but recall the recent encounter with Panther, where the situation had been far less pleasant. However, this time, she didn’t mind Cross kissing her. He owed her that at least, for all the trouble she’d gone through for him.

Cross seemed to watch her reaction for a few moments, then he leaned in and brushed his lips against her. He kissed exactly the way she pictured men like him kissed.

Cross wasn’t just satisfied with a single taste. He gripped her shoulder with his good hand and plundered her mouth. Closing her eyes, Dana responded with equal passion. Her nipples tightened to points and found herself a little moist between her legs. How could one simple act from Cross make her body react this way?

“You taste sweet, Dana. Exactly how I imagined,” Cross murmured. He didn’t release her right away. Cross thumbed her cheek and continued gazing down at her, as if memorizing her features.

“I won’t ever forget what you’ve done for me, sweetheart,” Cross said, his words causing her heart to skip a beat.

It was strange, Dana thought, how she’d never been particularly fond of pet names before. In fact, she’d usually found them quite irritating, especially from some of her less impressive dates. Yet with Cross, everything seemed different.

Cross continued, “Let’s trade numbers. Call me anytime if you or your dad get in trouble with Panther or the other Crows, and I’ll come running.”

Dana let out a scoff, and suddenly, all thoughts of romance seemed to evaporate.

“Don’t make promises you can’t keep,” she said, not caring he heard the skepticism in her voice.

Dana had been disappointed far too many times by the men in her life—her father, who kept letting her down, and all those guys she had dated who had a knack for disappearing at the first sign of trouble or commitment.
