Page 6 of Cross

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Dana half-expected Cross to rebuke her, but instead, he fixed his gaze on her with those intense, dark sea eyes that seemed capable of piercing the very core of her soul. A shiver ran down her spine as he gently brushed her cheek with the back of his inked knuckles. What terrified her more was the sudden urge to lean in close to his touch like some needy kitten.

Dana didn’t know what the hell was wrong with her. It must just be the weirdness of the day, because she sure didn’t act this way with other strangers, and she was known for her levelheadedness. Cross wasn’t just a stranger anymore, she decided.

They had shared a dangerous situation and somehow formed a bond in the process. It didn’t seem to make much sense, but the undeniable chemistry between them was impossible to ignore.

“Dana, I don’t ever break my promises,” Cross told her.

Why did Dana have a feeling Cross meant every word, and why was she so relieved by his answer?

Chapter Four

Cross watched as Dana bustled around the office, determined to ensure he was as comfortable as possible while he waited for his MC brother Priest to arrive.

He overheard her speaking to her dad on her cellphone earlier, telling her old man she had everything covered in the garage. Cross didn’t know what Dana’s relationship with her father was like. Judging from the snippets he heard from Dana and the Crimson Crow she called Panther, things weren’t peachy between them.

God, but Cross would like to know this woman so much better. Not just in bed, but everything else about her. How she thought, her favorite books and movies. What she was like, when she wasn’t harboring an injured biker in her garage. Later, Cross decided. He could think about that once he was out of his mess.

She returned to him, bringing fresh bandages and antiseptic.

“You should get a medical professional to look at your wounds when you can.” Dana’s tone remained brusque, but underneath that straightforward exterior, Cross could sense her genuine concern.

She didn’t know how much he appreciated everything she’d done for him. Her actions spoke volumes, and he was well aware that not just anyone would have gone out of their way to help a stranger in the same manner she had. Her concern for his well-being touched him, even if she didn’t show it in the most overt way.

“You’re probably right,” Cross said.

A honk from outside drew their attention. Cross began to rise, but before he could make it to the window, Dana was already there, peering out.

“Does your friend drive a black Ford?” she asked, then read the license plates aloud to Cross.

“That’s Priest,” Cross confirmed with a nod.

Dana couldn’t help but comment, “Interesting name.”

Cross gave her a half-smile. “I’ll tell you how he got his MC name and mine, the next time we meet,” he told her.

Dana sounded somewhat pessimistic as she replied, “If there is a next time.”

Cross refrained from correcting her. It was true that Dana believed she’d never see him again, but after everything they had been through, he had no intention of letting her slip out of his life that easily.

Cross couldn’t help but grunt in pain as Dana assisted him out of the office. Despite the discomfort, he leaned on her for support, appreciating the help. Outside the garage, they were met by Priest, who was waiting nearby.

“My Harley. It’s still in there,” Cross said.

Dana had already wheeled his motorcycle close to the garage doors, ensuring it was ready to be loaded.

With Dana’s help, Cross carefully settled into the backseat, wincing as he did so. Meanwhile, Priest took charge of rolling Cross’s motorcycle toward the rear of the trunk. When that was done, Priest walked over to Dana. Cross rolled down the truck window, just enough to overhear Priest and Dana talking.

“For your trouble,” Priest said, pulling out a couple of bills from his wallet, and extended them toward Dana.

Her expression turned affronted, and Cross couldn’t help but chuckle at the exchange.

“I don’t need your money,” Dana said curtly.

Priest regarded her for a moment before tucking the bills back into his wallet. “I appreciate you looking out for my friend, but—” Priest began.

Dana interrupted him, her voice firm, “If I tell someone, you guys will come after me. I get it.”

Priest raised an eyebrow, clearly impressed.
