Page 171 of Thor & Dragon

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When I catch my breath, I realize they’re still hard.

“Ready for round two, Wildcat?” Ryan asks before he licks my neck, takes my earlobe in his mouth, and bites down.

“Fuck, yes. We’ve got two weeks to make up for.”

They both moan deeply as they start moving again. This time, their movements are slower, but my orgasm still builds quickly. I’ve been without them for too long and my fingers or their fingers and lips weren’t enough.

I clench down on them a few times and they pick up the pace.

Ryan smacks my ass as Nick tweaks my nipples, alternating between them as his thumb circles my clit.

Their roughness is just what I need to have my orgasm peaking. They keep going, thrusting into me as my orgasm continues.

But just as it ends, another one is fast approaching. My limbs begin to tremble and black spots dance across my vision.

“That pussy and ass of yours is greedy for our cum. Milk our cocks, Wildcat.”

Their movements become rougher, and Ryan smacks my ass hard as Nick twists a nipple and moves his thumb faster against my clit.

Within seconds, another orgasm rips through me and I swear I black out for a bit because when I open my eyes, I’m laying on my left side, both of them watching me with concern.

“We are so doing this again tonight after the party.”

They both chuckle and Ryan goes into the bathroom to run me fresh bath water. Nick helps me to my feet and follows me into the bathroom.

Wetting a washcloth, I clean myself up as best as I can before stepping into the bathtub to clean up again.

It’s been almost three months since my demons were laid to rest and its now late September. Fall is in full swing and I’m loving the changing of the tree colors.

Our wedding is a week away and today, I have my twenty-week OB-GYN appointment, followed by my last dress fitting. The ladies and I are getting ready to head into town and I’m so excited I can hardly stand it.

Sasha is my maid of honor. Roxy, Nikki, Allison, and Erin will be my bridesmaids. Nikki’s daughter, Sadie, is going to be our little flower girl and Axe’s nephew, Jordan, will be our ring bearer. His sister, Susie, and her son, Jordan, are coming into town again for the weekend. I’d met her earlier this summer and Jordan is just the sweetest little boy ever.

The guys are having Phoenix as their best man, and the groomsmen are Alexei, Ryder, Smoke, and Timber. Reaper’s going to officiate for us. I went easy on the guys and just asked that they wear black pants, white button-up long-sleeved shirts, and their cuts. They could wear their riding boots as long as they were clean.

I grew closer to Allison ever since that first day we met in the ER. I still think she and Ryder have something going on, but that’s for them to figure out. If he is serious about her, I know she’d have no problems fitting in with the club.

Erin’s a much newer friend but is an absolute sweetheart. She’s the owner of the bakery shop in town and became fast friends with us, though she’s still leery about coming to the clubhouse. If she does come to the compound, we always stay at our house for the duration of her visit.

Today, my men are going with us as well as Jax, Patch, Bones, Gunner, Timber, and a couple of prospects. I’m driving us in my SUV and the guys are all enjoying a fall ride.

Slipping on my cut, I run my hands over my First Lady patch and find myself smiling. I never imagined I’d be in a motorcycle club, especially after what Fang and his brothers did to me when I was almost sixteen. But here I am, a fully patched member, engaged to the President and Enforcer of our club. Dragon’s still trying to get me to become our club’s second Enforcer. I probably will accept the position, but right now, I just want to focus on marrying my men.

Grabbing my purse and keys, I head out the front door, locking up behind me.

“Ready, baby mama?” Thor asks me as he leans down to kiss me.

“More than ready, hun. Sasha’s bringing the bag that the doctor will put what gender our babies are in. Did you guys decide who was going to be the ones to fire up the dirt bikes for the reveal tonight?”

“At first, we asked your dad and Bear, but they want to watch. Same with Alexei. So, our next thoughts were Ethan and Reaper. They agreed, so they’re researching and testing out the best way to do them.”

No one wanted to chance their bikes with this, but then Dad spoke up that he had held onto all our dirt bikes from when we were kids. The downside was that they haven’t been touched in years, so Judge took them into the shop to look them over. There were a few wires that needed to be replaced, but overall, they’re in pretty good condition. I have a feeling that at some point in the future, the guys will be building a dirt racing track and they’ll get plenty of use again.

Thor sighs as another cheer goes up from behind the clubhouse.

I laugh at his pained expression. “Seems like Ethan and Reaper have some helpers.”

“Yeah, and I think they’re praying for girls because I’ve been seeing a lot of pink clouds coming out of the back of the bikes.”
