Page 46 of Thor & Dragon

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“We want nothing to do with your skanky ass. You have never been and will never be our woman,” Thor says as he moves to my side, wrapping his arm around my waist just as Dragon does the same. Monica’s face turns red as her gaze tracks their movements. Her lip curls up in disgust as she looks me over from head to toe.

“Her? Seriously? Why would you choose that scarred, fat pig over me? She’ll never be able to handle you both the way you like to be handled. She isn’t cut out for this life,” she sneers as she straightens her shoulders and tries to put a sweet smile on her face as she bats her eyes at my men. My body tenses at her mentioning my scars before I force myself to relax. Rolling my eyes at her, I shake my head.

“Are you done with your rant, little girl?” I ask, my voice heavy with boredom. She scoffs and her face turned redder.

“Little? You’re calling me little? You look like you’re barely legal, whereas I’m the same age as Thor and Dragon. We went to school together.”

“Age is just a number. While, yes, I am younger than my men, I can definitely handle both of them as they have proven repeatedly,” I purr, and both of my men chuckle as they press kisses to my temples.

“There’s no way that you would be able to please them with your fat ass! Dragon, please baby, let’s get out of here and I can remind you why we’re so good together,” she says as she sidles up to my man, but I stare at her blankly. Did she really just do that? I look at Dragon and then to Thor, who looks like he’s trying really hard not to bust out laughing.

“Um, Monica?”

She turns toward me smugly and I point to the name on the cut of the man she’s clinging to.


She blanches as her mouth opens and closes.

“Can you seriously tell me that you can’t tell Dragon and Thor apart? And for that fact, can’t you read? Their names are on their cuts. I mean, even without their cuts, I know who’s who,” I chuckle, and she narrows her eyes at me.

“Everyone gets things mixed up every now and then,” she sputters as she tried to backpedal.

“Yeah, no. They both walk differently. They both talk differently. They both kiss differently. They both fuck differently. Their tattoos, scars, how their eyes change color, how they wear their hair. It’s all different. The fact that you hadn’t noticed any of that and I’ve been able to pick up on all of that in the short time that I’ve been around them is pretty fucking telling. So, get your fucking hands off my man and get the fuck out of here. They are mine and will never be yours.”

She stumbles back a couple of steps as her gaze goes from me to my men and back to me. Fingers grasp my chin, lifting it up, and Dragon places a searing hot kiss on my lips. I moan as I lean into him. When he pulls back, he spins me and Thor’s lips crash down on mine for another scorching kiss. Fuck, these men could melt me with their kisses.

When he pulls back, a throat clears, and we turn to see Ryder and Smoke smirking as they hold Monica’s arms, preventing her from charging at us.

“I checked the cameras and turns out that Monica was able to sneak in because she was in disguise—wig and all. She changed in Ashley’s room before making her way out here. Ashley, Tiffany, Ginger, and Trixie all hid her as she made her way over to you so that none of us would realize she was here,” Smoke says as a dark smirk crosses his face.

Yikes, I wouldn’t want to be any of those girls right now.

“Well, I think they need a little punishment, then.” The cold tone in Thor’s voice should have bothered me, but it doesn’t. I grin as I look up at him.

“Is there any chance that part of their punishment is to be fully clothed? With how little they wear, it would probably irritate the hell out of them.” Thor’s lip twitches, and Dragon chuckles behind me.

“I think that can be arranged, Wildcat,” he says before placing a kiss on the top of my head. He gives a chin lift to Ryder, who returns it and gestures behind us. Looking over my shoulder, Judge and Phoenix are practically dragging Monica’s friends over to us.

“You four are confined to your rooms the rest of tonight and until we come to get you tomorrow morning after Church is done. We’ll vote on your punishment tomorrow. Someone will bring you breakfast in the morning.”

At that, Phoenix and Judge drag them, kicking and screaming, inside.

Thor turns toward Monica and she pales at the dark look on his face. “You are never to come here again, Monica. If you do, I can guarantee you won’t like the outcome.”

Ryder spins her around, shoves her forward, and makes no move to help her as she stumbles.

“You can’t treat me like this, Ryder. I’m their Old Lady!”

“If you were really someone’s Old Lady, your ass wouldn’t be banned from our clubhouse, our businesses, and our housing units. Give it up, Monica. No one wants your stretched out, loose as shit, pussy.”

I can no longer hear the rest of her argument as they round the corner, and I’m thankful it’s over. For now, at least. Shaking my head, I lean against Thor’s chest.

“Wow, she really is a special kind of crazy,” I mutter.

His chest shakes with laughter and he kisses the top of my head. I feel Dragon’s lips on my neck and immediately goosebumps break out across my skin. He steps closer and I bite my lip as I try to stop a moan from escaping.

“You should know better than to keep those moans from us, Wildcat.”

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