Page 50 of Thor & Dragon

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Tears pool in her eyes as she shakes her head, her hands fisting in her lap.

“But I brought this situation to your doorstep. You wouldn’t have to deal with them if it weren’t for me.” She sniffles and Dragon reaches up, cupping her jaw to turn her to face him.

“Spitfire, him, and the rest of the Black Plague were already on our radar before we knew you were a piece of this puzzle. They’d already made a few threats to us. We were already planning on dealing with them. You coming here and being with Thor and me only gives us more motivation to take care of them.”

He leans forward and kisses her. When he pulls back, I lean in and kiss her as well. It kills me that she thought she’d have to sacrifice herself to save everyone else. Seems we need to bring her up to speed on a few things later.

“We’ll talk more later, Spitfire, but know this. We love you and will protect you and everyone else here. Neither Fang nor any of the other members of his club are going to get their hands on you. All right?”

Her eyes go wide with shock. “You love me?”

Grinning, I pull her close and kiss her deeply. “Yeah, I love you, Wildcat.”

Dragon leans forward and kisses her just as deeply. “I love you, too, Spitfire.”

A huge smile breaks out across her face. “I love you both, too.”

Grinning, I kiss her again. When she pulls away, she has a confused look on her face.

“What do you think he meant by the little present he sent me? I haven’t gotten anything in the mail. You don’t think he’ll go after Dad, do you?”

I pause and realize we never had someone with Roy. Glancing at Dragon, he seems to realize the same thing as I just did.

“Let’s send Drae over to watch him,” Dragon says and Levi stiffens before she grabs his arm.

“Don’t send Drae!”

Shock courses through me at the urgency in her voice. Has something happened that we don’t know about?

“Why shouldn’t we send Drae, Wildcat?”

She bites her lip and studies us both.

“I’ve been noticing that he’s been acting off for the last week or so. Today he had a bit of attitude when we had to have Colt and him make an emergency run to the store for us. He barely helped Colt carry in any of the groceries and had a little tantrum when Colt ripped into him for trying to play pool instead of helping carry in the rest of the groceries. All of us were shocked at how disrespectful he was being.”

My eyebrows shot up and I exchange a look with Dragon. This was news to us. We’d have to keep an eye on him because that sort of behavior would not be tolerated.

“We’ll keep an eye on him, Spitfire. But next time you think something is off, don’t wait. Tell us as it could be something that we can help with. Now, back to the groceries. Why did you need to send them to the store? Roxy went yesterday with a couple of prospects to stock up.”

She sighs and shakes her head. “I was going to talk to you guys later, after Church and breakfast, about it. For both Drae and the groceries. At first, I thought it was only me thinking something was off with him, but everyone else was also confused by his change in behavior this morning, too.

“As for the groceries, I think we need to have Smoke look at the cameras. When we went to start breakfast this morning, the pantry, fridge, and freezer were almost bare. We didn’t check the deep freezers, so I’m not sure if there’s food missing out of there or not. Someone must be taking the food because Roxy said they got four cartloads yesterday. There’s no way the kitchen would have been that bare after only one day. Thank God none of the bunnies were down here because I didn’t want to have to deal with their bullshit on top of the missing groceries and Drae’s attitude problem this morning,” she says as she frowns and rubs her temples.

Wait, why wasn’t a bunny helping? They’re each on rotation in the kitchen for breakfast and supper.

“But if someone from the club is needing food for someone or their family, why didn’t they tell us? Depending on the situation, we could have helped them.” She frowns again and I can see the wheels turning as she tries to figure out who it could be.

I kiss her temple and smile. She’ll make a great Old Lady with trying to figure out how to help the situation. Speaking of which, we need to talk to her soon about that.

“We’ll talk to Smoke and see what he can find out about the food. Now, how are you feeling? We still need to finish up Church, especially now with this new news about Fang. We’ll need to discuss how we’re going to go about the extra protection until we get our hands on Black Plague.”

She tenses slightly, and her eyes harden. She cocks her head to the side and narrows her eyes at me.

“I’m not even going to be able to know what’s going on, am I? Even though this pertains to me as their primary target.”

“Sorry, Wildcat, but that’s club business.”

Her eyes blaze with anger at my words and she hastily slides off my lap, stepping back from us.
