Page 6 of Thor & Dragon

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“Sorry, Levi, was just trying to figure out which club he could be with. And don’t worry about not catching the club name. You had more important things to worry about with your wound.”

The look she gives me is a combination of being startled and also wariness. Like she isn’t sure she should trust me and dammit, that thought has me more twisted up than I’ll ever admit to anyone. Still, she graces me with a small but tight smile right as fabric is thrown in her face.

“Get that on before I start my????speech on this one.”

I turn toward Alexei. His accent seems thicker than before and sounds a bit like Russian. He walks up in between me and Levi as he glares at me. Leveling a glare of my own at him, I stare him down. Little fucker needs to know we will not be pushed around.Iwill not be pushed around. Especially by him. I may be a bit softer with Levi, but she’s the only one who will get that treatment. Although, I do respect him standing up for her.

Both of us are soon forced to break eye contact when Levi shoves us apart. The glare she sends Alexei’s way makes him pale slightly.

“Knock it off, you neanderthals! Alexei, you know I love you????, but we need to get done and out of here. Now scoot that ass of yours and start packing what’s left with Sasha.”

Hearing her say that she loves him makes my stomach twist in knots and a surge of jealousy shoots through me. Who is he to her?

She pivots on her heel back toward me and, unfortunately for her at the moment, the glare she gives me has the opposite effect. Instead of scaring me, I smirk at her. Her sassy attitude just turns me on even more, and my jeans are feeling a lot more uncomfortable. Any woman who dares stand up to me earns my attention and focus. Fuck, she’s fucking perfect for me.

Her eyes widen a bit, and her breath hitches as she realizes what had just happened before her eyes narrow again.

“And you. Since my unofficial nickname for you is muscles, get to carrying things down with Patch, Travis, and Ethan. Either put them in the truck or the black SUV parked in spot ten with the Harley emblem on the back window.”

She tosses me some keys before marching off toward the bedroom where Sasha went a few minutes ago. Alexei scowls at me again, and it darkens when he sees me staring at Levi’s ass as she walks away.

He seems about ready to say something, but what sounds like a foreign slew of curse words coming from the bedroom has him biting his tongue, though he seems to be fighting back a grin. Instead, he picks up a few boxes and heads down toward the truck.

I pocket Levi’s keys, and as I’m picking up a couple boxes of my own, I notice Travis and Ethan trying to contain their grins as well. With another look toward the bedroom Levi’s in, I wonder which one of them had been talking and what language they were speaking in. The fact that it could have been Levi and that it might have been a rant about me has my gut in a twist yet again.

As I set the boxes down in the bed of the truck, I realize I’ve never gotten this worked up by a woman before. Not even in my past relationships, though there were only a few since the MC life isn’t for everyone.

I hear Patch chuckling behind me and quickly push the boxes forward toward the front of the truck bed. Fuck.

“Fuck, man, you’re already in over your head with that one, aren’t you?”

I turn on my heel and glare at him as my jaw clenches. Fucker just grins at me.

“What the fuck you goin’ on about?”

“She’s hot as fuck and wields a blade just as good as you. Maybe even better. Not to mention she has to be seasoned with what I saw from her arms, torso, and back. No wonder you’re interested.”

Just the thought of all the scars covering her has my stomach in knots again. Even though I won’t admit it aloud, it tore me up when I saw her bleeding because of that fucking bastard. The surge of protectiveness toward her that’s coursing through me startles me even further.

Patch slaps me on the shoulder, and I turn back toward him.

“Relax, brother. She can take care of herself from the looks of it. I bet whoever gave her those scars are either those two in there or are six feet under.”

I nod and hope he’s right. However, I don’t want those two hurting her either. They seem important to her for some reason. More so than the other two guys that came up with them.

“Let’s just get this done and on the road. She’s right about one thing. We need to be out of here before Fang’s crew gets here. Let’s just hope that it isn’t who we think it is.”

Patch’s face grows serious, and we both quickly head back upstairs.

With both Sasha and Levi packing the few remaining things, the five of us guys make quick work of carrying the boxes downstairs while Levi supervises, since she can’t carry anything. More than once though, I saw her eyeing the wall where she stood up to me earlier.

As I grab another box, I hear her mutter under her breath about her deposit. It’s then that it clicks that their marks from when all three simultaneously threw knives at me might bar her from getting her money back.

While it was hot as fuck seeing her throw a blade and purposefully missing, hopefully anyway, I didn’t want her to lose out on her deposit because of me and my big ass mouth. Thankfully, I’d rented an apartment while we were expanding the clubhouse years ago since our house wasn’t finished yet, and had brought something along just in case Levi didn’t have any.

Any other woman, I’d let them fend for themselves in this situation, but Levi’s not just any woman. Nor would I have offered to do this for any other woman—I’d probably have sent prospects with most likely one patched brother who wasn’t an officer.

She’s the reason why I volunteered to be the one to accompany Patch on this trip. As the club’s enforcer, I’m deadly as fuck, and even though Patch is our medic, he’s no slouch in the fighting department either. Between the two of us, I figured we’d have things covered if something went south. At least that’s what I told myself, anyway. Though, the knowing smirk Thor gave me after I’d volunteered was enough to tell me he knew the real reason why I’d volunteered.
