Page 5 of Thor & Dragon

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He winks at me, and I chuckle when Dragon growls at him as he shoots Patch a dark look. Patch smirks back at Dragon and turns to me.

“Now, if you could please finish with bandaging it up, we’ll get to moving things for you so that you don’t have to lift anything. Anything heavy that needs packing, just let us know.”

I huff and roll my eyes. I know I can’t lift anything heavy for a bit while this heals, but it still chaffs me that he’s ordering me around.

“Fine, but can you please tell me why you’re both here? I knew Sasha, Alexei, Ethan, and Travis were coming. But why you two and whypatchedmembers from Steel Archangel’s? Figured you would have sent prospects.”

“Not sure, Levi. We were about to leave when????insisted they come with us. He wouldn’t tell us why,” Alexei replies as he stands protectively nearby, scowling at Dragon.

Okay, then.

Wait a minute. Why’s he only scowling at Dragon and not Patch? Fuck, did they know about last night? No, my bestie probably only told Alexei. Maybe.

“That’s mostly club business, so we can’t tell you much. What we can tell you is that the club has received threats lately. Since your family’s close to the club, your dad asked if someone would accompany all of you as added protection just in case,” Dragon says.

“Great. So in other words, you’re our babysitters. One would think with our backgrounds, Dad wouldn’t ask for help from the club.” I rolled my eyes as I got up from the table. I know I’m being bitchy, but I hate it whenever Dad pulls shit like this.

“Yeah, and look where that got you. A new scar to add to your collection.”

My body tenses at Dragon’s words, and before he even finishes his sentence, a heavythud, thud, thudsounds out as knives from Sasha, Alexei, and myself are now embedded in the wall around Dragon’s head. He stands there, stunned, his gaze locked with mine. Patch raises his hands before backing up slightly as he smirks at Dragon.

Travis’ and Ethan’s dark chuckles from the living room have both men looking nervous before I hear their beer bottles clink together. They know I’m pissed, and someone’s going to pay.

I pull another knife from my pouch tucked into the back of my jeans, and without breaking my gaze, step toward him as I point my blade at him.

“The only reason Scott got the drop on me was because of a commotion in the hallway. Now I know how Sasha and Alexei operate. Their first instinct in a scenario like this would have been to slice first, ask questions later. If they were still breathing, that is. That’s my MO as well. So, I’m going to guess you went all macho and made a ruckus in the hallway, which diverted my attention from Scott and lead to me being hurt. How warm am I, muscles?”

?? ????????[do svidaniya] = Goodbye

Fuck, she’s right on the money with her assessment.

Well, mostly.

And the fact that she’s standing here head-to-toe with me, not backing down, just makes my dick even harder than it already was.

It’s been a long time since I’d seen Levi, and I’m glad she hasn’t lost her sassiness or backbone of steel. Last time I saw her, she was already a knock-out but had just turned eighteen. I’d kept a distance, but it was difficult. Especially whenever I heard she was back in town for a visit.

However, the older version standing in front of me blows my mind with how sexy she is now. It’s hard not to stare at her gorgeous body that hasdefinitelyfilled out. Especially in the sports bra and jeans that mold to her every fucking curve. I feel like the wind’s been knocked out of me every time I look at her.

Instead of the usual rail thin body type that society thinks should be the norm for women, she has meat on her bones, and I wouldn’t have to worry about breaking her when I fuck her. She has a large chest and a curvy hourglass waist that leads to her perfect, juicy ass that just begs to be held. Her stomach is soft with a bit of a pouch, which adds even more appeal. My woman enjoys her food.

She’s probably a little over five feet tall. Her curly red hair reaches down to her waist, and her bright green eyes are currently as sharp and hard as the blade she’s pointing at me. I shake myself internally and refocus on her question.

“Actually, these two did their thing, but they missed the one coming at them from behind. It was with that one that the scuffle broke out, and that’s when we were noisier than we wanted to be.”

Levi’s gaze flicks over to Sasha and Alexei, and with sheepish nods from them, she finally backs down and sheathes her blade.

“Fine. Let’s get things done and get out of here. I never knew Scott was in an MC, but since his cut said Enforcer on it, I’d like to finish up quickly before they all descend on us.”

At her words, Patch’s gaze locks with mine. Shit, it’s like we suspected.

“What else did his patches say?” he asks.

“Fang and Enforcer was what I could see. I didn’t catch the club name on the back, unfortunately. Sorry.”

I frown. The only Enforcer I knew close to these parts named Fang is from the Black Plague MC and they’re over four hours away. What are they doing this close? We’d have to see if Smoke can tap into the camera’s here and see if he can get a clearer picture of him and his cut.

As I come out of my thoughts, I notice Levi’s scowling at me, and with that, I realize I hadn’t moved from my spot, but the others had.
