Page 73 of Thor & Dragon

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“I’m sorry to interrupt, and to enter without you opening the door, but Fang’s calling me and I figured you’d want to trace it.” Her gaze darts to the box and then the contents, which are now spread out on the table right in front of her. She quickly turns away, covering her mouth. I walk toward her and pull her into my arms.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to look. Should I answer or let it go to voicemail?”

“Go ahead and answer, Wildcat.”

Levi nods, answers, and puts the call on speaker. “What do you want, Fang?”

The bite in her voice sends a chill down my spine. Knowing that she’s seen what’s inside the package, I have no doubts that she wants to make him hurt for what he’s done to these women.

“Now, now, Princess, that’s no way to answer the phone. I take it you saw my gift?”

“You’re a fucking monster.”

The anger rolling off her is intense. Her hands grip the phone so hard I’m afraid it might shatter.

“Well Princess, you know what you need to do to stop all this. Time is ticking. Tic toc.”

The phone cuts off, but Levi still has a death grip on the phone and her eyes are darting around. Her body is tense as she gnaws at her lip.

“Spitfire? Talk to us, babe.”

I hear a chair scrap behind me and am surprised when Smoke kneels down in front of her and takes her hand. Her gaze snaps to him and she nods.

“Did you hear it, too?”

Wait, what?

I turn to Smoke, who looks confused as well about her question. Then, he smiles and I’m guessing that means he understood what she’s talking about. He quickly stands, grabbing his laptop before walking over to the pictures. Levi gives me a tight smile and follows Smoke. They each take gloves from the box Patch had set out earlier and start looking through all the pictures.

“Would you like to clue us in, Wildcat?”

Looking up, her gaze goes to each of my brothers.

“Did any of you hear anything else besides Fang and me talking?”

Everyone shakes their head, but then Ryder pauses.

“A grandfather clock and some sort of animal bleating.”

Levi nods and returns her attention to the pictures.

“Yes, but there was something else. A muffled voice. I thought I heard ‘north’ and something like ‘mend’.”

“Here!” Smoke says as he grabs a picture. Levi looks over his shoulder and quickly pulls out her phone. She snaps a picture and then Smoke’s phone pings.

“Put it up on the big screen,” she says, and Smoke nods.

“You got it, kiddo.”

Levi turns and pulls down the screen as I stare at her in shock. I was damn sure that if anyone had called her that, their body would be full of steel, yet she just took Smoke’s nickname in stride.

Add to that, Smoke just gave her a fucking endearing nickname.


What the fuck’s going on? Turning to Thor, and then the rest of the guys, they all have the same shocked looks on their faces.

After a few clicks, a picture of one of the victims lights up the screen. She’d been beaten to a bloody pulp and has cuts all over her body. What did Spitfire and Smoke see that was so special with this picture?
