Page 76 of Thor & Dragon

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When everyone has their bracelets and has practiced a few times, Thor calls the meeting closed. As each of them walked by us, they gave me a hug and thank me for thinking of them. I have to bite my tongue multiple times to keep from crying. Going down memory lane is messing with me and making me more emotional than ever.

When it’s just me and my guys left in Church, they come over to me and each gave me a quick kiss.

“I’m gonna head to the kitchen to see what all we need to restock up on.”

“Sounds good, Wildcat. We’re gonna chat with Smoke real quick to make sure he’s okay and everything.”

That pulls me up short and yeah, I’m now suddenly nervous that I might have done something to make him uncomfortable. I knew something bad had happened to him a while back with a woman he’d been dating, but still, I wanted to also make sure he was okay. I gnaw on my lip as I look over at Smoke as he leans against the bar.

“Would you be able to let me know if I overstepped at all? Now that you mention it, I’m worried if I had and misread him.”

“I don’t think you did, but we’ll let you know if there are any issues, Spitfire.”

“Thanks,” I said as I reach up and give them each another kiss. “Just don’t go razzing him too much for claiming me as his sister.” I wink at them, which has them both laughing, and as I turn to head to the bar, Thor smacks me on the ass. I jump and mock glare at him, which has them laughing even harder before they start whispering. God, I love these men.

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[dobro pozhalovat vie semue] = Welcome to the family

“Thanks, kiddo,” I say as I kiss Levi’s forehead and give her a hug. The smile that lights up her face reinforces the fact that I did the right thing by letting her into my life.

I had tried to stay away from her like with the other women, but everything she does draws me in further. The way she cares about my brothers, and how she watches over the bunnies that she gets along with. Even though she doesn’t like the other bunnies, she’s still cordial to them, even if they are talking about sex and how Levi can never fully satisfy Thor and Dragon.

However, the day that changed everything for me was when she had heard I was sick a few weeks after she arrived. She brought me some of her homemade chicken noodle soup, not knowing that I was missing my mom’s homemade chicken noodle soup. It actually ended up being better than my mom’s, not that I’d tell my mom even if she was still alive. When Levi came in later to collect the dishes, she saw that I’d polished it off and probably heard from Patch that my vitals were better. She continued to bring me the soup for another week until I was on the mend and able to keep down a normal meal.

Ever since then, I’ve watched her and slowly felt my walls lowering around her. In a way, I’m glad that Levi’s getting me to trust women again. Maybe I’ll still be able to find the happiness she has with my brothers. While yes, she’s very beautiful, I’ve never felt aroused by her at all. She’s always been like a sister to me. And now she is.

“You’re welcome,” she says, though it doesn’t escape my notice that she’s trying to blink away tears. She’s been through the wringer today emotionally, so I’m not surprised that everything’s getting to her. Especially if my suspicion is true.

As I walk out into the main room, I’m surprised to feel a weight lessen from my shoulders. Looking over my shoulder, I can’t help but grin as I see Levi with Thor and Dragon. Those three really are perfect for each other.

At the bar, I grab a beer from Colt, intent on heading up to my room to check a few of my programs before tonight’s party starts. I also want to try an idea that I’d had for piggybacking into Black Plague’s video feed so I could see everything that they could see. While I’d considered making a replay loop of past data that we could use to try to throw them off, I quickly dismissed it. They probably had someone staking out somewhere and watching us. If their intel wasn’t lining up with what was being seen on the cameras, then they’d know I’d done something to the feed.

“Hey Smoke, you got a second?” Thor calls out just as I’m about to head upstairs. I give him a chin lift and follow him into his office. With Dragon right behind me.

Shit. I hope they aren’t mad about what I just did. Dragon didn’t seem too upset, but I’m not sure about Thor.

“What’s up, Pres?” I ask as I sit down on the couch in front of his desk. Dragon plops down next to me and takes a long pull from his bottle.

“We just wanted to check with you and make sure you’re okay.”

“Yeah, I’m good, Pres. I’m not in any trouble by not talking to you guys first about claiming Levi as my sister, am I?” I look between them, and for the first time in a long time, feel uneasy around both of them. I didn’t want to cause any problems in the club.

Thor and Dragon both shake their heads.

“Nah, brother, you aren’t in any trouble or anything. Though I will say I was shocked that you did that and to top it off, let her use your laptop,” Thor says as he laughs.

“Same, bro. I mean, before Spitfire came here, I’d never seen you say anything remotely positive about a woman before. Shocked the shit out of me when we talked the day after she came, and you said you thought she was perfect for us.”

He shakes his head in disbelief and I look over at Thor, raising an eyebrow in question to Dragon. Thor shakes his head subtly. Honestly, that surprises me, but I’m glad he hadn’t told anyone.

Clearing my throat, I stare down at my bottle, surprised at myself for wanting to tell Dragon. Shit. I should probably tell Levi, too.

“Is it…” I pause as I clear my throat again. “Is it okay if Levi comes in here? I think it’s time I share something, and it wouldn’t hurt if she knew.”

Thor gives me a chin lift while Dragon looks between us both, confused.

“I’ll go get her. I think I’m gonna need another beer for this.” I stand and then pause when I get to the door. “You guys need a top-off?” They both gave me a chin lift, and I head toward the kitchen since that was where Levi was headed after leaving Church.
