Page 108 of Timber

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The guys are spread out on the side closest to the door and I turn to my right when I hear rummaging noises. Sasha’s looking through Punisher’s toy closet as he calls it. The bag Colt had been carrying previously sits on a table nearby. He stayed upstairs with the others since he’s not patched in yet. Actually, I’ll have to ask the guys about that. His year is coming up in a few months.

I’m brought out of my thoughts as Sasha walks toward Luscious, a serrated blade in her hand. She circles her, gently dragging the blade across her skin. Not deep enough to cut, but enough for her to feel the edge of the blade.

“Why did you send that text message to Erik?”

Luscious glares at Sasha, and somehow manages to sit up taller. “You can’t hurt me. The club doesn’t hurt women or children. Release me.”

Sasha chuckles darkly. “To quote our Queen, I don’t have a dick and I wear my balls on my chest, so there’s nothing in the bylaws that prevents me from handling women issues when the need arises.” She pulls hard on Luscious’ hair, making her look up at her. The cold, hard smile Sasha gives her sends a chill down my spine. “That means we’re going to be spending a lot of time together until I get the information I need.”

She pauses, pushing the knife a little harder against her throat. A small trickle of blood runs down Luscious’ throat. “Why did you send that text message to Erik?”

Luscious’ face twists into a sneer. “Because it’s true. Frida’s being replaced by that fucking bitch. Even her parents seem to have fallen under that bitch’s spell. It’s sickening to see everyone falling at her feet and eating up the lies she spews. If she would never have come around, things wouldn’t have changed and I would have had what should have been mine to begin with.”

“And what should have been yours?”

“Timber. All I needed was to show him how much I could do for him and then I would have been his Old Lady. Not that worthless trailer park piece of whoring, druggie trash,” she seethes.

I narrow my eyes at her and look at my brothers. Judging by the looks on our faces, I know we’re all thinking the same thing.

“What makes you think Mae’s trailer park trash? That she whores herself out or is a druggie?” I ask her.

Luscious huffs as she rolls her eyes. “It’s not hard to find out. You guys don’t exactly whisper, you know.”

Stalking toward her, I yank her head back by her hair, hard enough for her to know I mean business, but not enough to hurt her too much.

“That’s the thing. We’ve never talked about where she lived or about certain things related to her background outside of Church. So, I’ll ask again. Where did you hear those things about her?”

She smiles, and I seriously think she’s trying to be seductive as she bats her eyes at me, but it just sickens me. “It’s the talk all around town. You can’t really blame that on me, now can you, handsome?”

My lip curls in disgust as I look down at her. “Who did you hear it from?”

“I overheard it at my doctor’s appointment.”

“Who did you go to?” Odin asks and I’m sure he’s remembering the clubs’ edict after that run-in with that asshat Dr. Carter Johnson.

She rolls her eyes at him. The disrespect is starting to really get on my nerves. Judging by the others’ faces, they’re feeling the same.

Sasha backhands her. “Show some respect for the club, you bitch. These are the men that took you in off the street to protect you from your father and brother. Or have you forgotten that?”

Luscious’ face pales at the reminder, and she lowers her gaze before clearing her throat. “Dr. Johnson. I know you guys said we aren’t supposed to go there anymore, but he’s been my doctor since I was a baby and has never done anything wrong or inappropriate. Why should I have to change doctors just because his son hit on that bitch?”

“He disrespected the club. Everyone in town knows not to mess with our brothers and their women or there will be hell to pay. Timber was with Mae when junior decided to step out of line, and he’s going to have to deal with the fallout. Especially since he threatened an Old Lady,” Reaper says as he steps forward. Luscious shrinks back at his cold stare. “And you disrespected the club by going against our rules. Not only the one about the doctor, but other ones as well.” He pauses as he glances at Sasha. “Continue.”

I step back in line with the others.

“Who did you tell that Mae was here in Junction Creek?”

When she doesn’t answer, Sasha drags the blade across her cheek, drawing blood. Luscious screams, but Sasha ignores her, doing the same on the other cheek before moving to her arms.

“Anytime you want to speak up, the pain will stop. Well, until you lie to me again, that is.”

After a few more cuts, which look pretty deep, Luscious finally caves.

“I don’t know who he is, but he’s been asking around town, flashing that bitch’s picture around. Said he was trying to find his daughter and that she ran away from home.”

I grit my teeth, knowing it’s one of four possible men. “Describe him.”

“He’s older. Has black, slicked back hair. Dark brown eyes. Tan skin. Sharply dressed. Drove a fancy car and had a Rolex.”
