Page 120 of Timber

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“What better place to protect me than where all the club members are all at?”

His face softens as he frowns again. “That’s also where you were taken from.”

My stomach rolls at the reminder, but I have to do this. “I know, and I also know that Python figured out what happened to his cameras and has fixed them. I’m guessing you also know about what else he did.”

He’d placed even more cameras and changed up some of their locations, but there was no way I was saying that out loud.

“Please, Colt. I’m going to go crazy if I have to stay in the house another day,” I darn near beg.

Finally, he sighs, his shoulders falling a little. “Fuck, I better not get in trouble because of this,” he groans.

“If you do, you can blame it on me.”

I spin around, not having heard anyone approach us.

Leaning against his door, my dad grins at us.

“Us Witlocks tend to go stir crazy faster than most, and it seems you’ve inherited that trait.” He pushes off the door and walks toward us before gesturing toward the golf cart. “However, the only way I’ll allow it is if you ride in the cart and we go in through the back door. Don’t want you overexerting yourself. Or letting someone get a good look at you if they’re watching the front gate.”

I can’t hold back my smile, which has Dad grinning even wider. “That was my plan.”

Dad slides in behind the wheel and I sit beside him. The golf cart shifts as Colt sits on the back, um bench, for lack of a better word. There’s no seat back there, but the bench is about three feet deep and as wide as the cart. Mama Astrid said that’s where she usually puts her dishes when she brings them to the clubhouse.

I bite my lip, not sure if I should state my worry or not.

Dad laughs. “Odin and Dom beefed this golf cart up big time and it can easily carry four of us fuckers without breaking anything.”

My shoulders relax and I can’t help the giggle that escapes. “Sorry. I don’t know too much about cars or other vehicles, so I wasn’t sure if these things had a weight limit.”

“You saying we’re fat, Lil’ Bit?” Colt asks and I turn, trying not to move too fast or pull my stitches and glue too much.

“No! It’s just that you’re all so,” I pause, gesturing up and down both of their bodies, “so muscular. Mama Astrid lent me this, and I want to make sure nothing would happen to it. It’s poor etiquette.”

Both of them laugh and I turn around, facing the front again with a huff.


Dad pats my knee. “Don’t worry, Baby Girl. We’d never intentionally break it.”

I don’t reply, because my gaze locks on the back door of the clubhouse.

I try to control my breathing as we get closer, but judging by how both of them are watching me, they know I’m nervous.

Dad parks off to the side of the door, so he’s between me and the door.

“Take all the time you need, Baby Girl. It’s going to be hard, but it will get better. I promise.”

Taking a few deep breaths, I nod and slide off the seat. Slowly, I walk to the door, my hand hovering over the doorknob.

I swallow thickly, pulling back my hand and rubbing my hands against my jeans, wiping off the sweat.

Squaring my shoulders, I reach forward and open the door, only to pause right inside the door. My gaze locks on the scuff mark on the wall.

“What is it, Mae?” Dad asks.

I open my mouth, only for nothing to come out as I point toward it. It takes a few times before I can actually say what I need to.

“That scuff is from when Andrew hit Mama Astrid in the head. As he brought the gun back, the handle made that mark,” I whisper, and both of them curse behind me.
