Page 135 of Timber

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Walking around behind Andrew, I give a flick of my whip, making it crack in the air. “Answer me.”

Dad looks up at me in question and I realize I let more of my anger out than I had intended, however, he doesn’t say anything.

Yet anyway.

I know I’ll have to fill them all in on what I remembered, but not right now. Not unless they give me the information I need.

“F-fuck you, b-bitch,” Andrew seethes.

Dad steps back and I let my whip sail through the air, landing a hard hit on his back.

Andrew’s cries ring through the air until his back is as shredded as Carter’s.

When he sags in his chains, I stop. Waiting.

Walking around to the front of him, I notice he’s passed out again. Before I can even ask, Dad pulls me back slightly and Loki tosses a bucket of water on Andrew. Once again he sputters while gasping and turning a tired glare my way.

“Well?” I ask after a few moments of silence.

“Dad, no!” Carter yells as he thrashes in his chains.

“T-there’s n-no point, C-carter. They’re r-right. We aren’t g-getting out of here.” Sighing, he nods. “It’s almost f-fifty miles n-north of F-Forest Creek on p-private land. T-thirty acres. The f-forest h-hides it from o-outsiders.”

“How many men live there permanently?”


“How many men have the same living arrangements besides you and douche canoe here?”

“F-five. Only the M-masters can l-live like we d-do.”

“How many women? Children?”

He doesn’t answer me, and I walk behind him, whipping him again.

“F-forty women of b-bearing age. T-twenty-three kids.”

Rage fills my veins. “And how many women that can no longer have kids?”

He hesitates again, but right as I raise my hand, he whispers his answer. “T-thirty-six.”

Coming back around in front of them, I let them see how angry I am. “How does Frida fit into all of this?”

Carter smirks at me. “She was one of my wives. I knew I had to have her and did what I had to do to ensure it. After a couple of days, she was hooked and I got what I wanted. She committed to me in a ceremony. I almost had her to the point where I could indoctrinate her when she decided to grow a conscience. She started defying me more, so her punishments increased.”

“What did you do or say that made her change her mind?” I asked.

He sneers at Timber, and I look between them, confused. “I had asked her to move in with me. She didn’t know about my wife because I keep her under lock and key most of the time. I never wear my ring out in public, only when I’m around my wife.

“It was when I said she’d have to cut contact with her family that she started rebelling. She’d refuse to answer my calls, texts, or summons. Ignoring those goes against our rules. Slaves do not disobey their Masters. I knew she had feelings for you, Timber, but I thought I had snuffed those out when she committed to being mine. Turns out I was wrong.”

Shock goes through me at that, and judging by Timber’s equally shocked face, he had no idea Frida felt that way toward him.

“She refused me for a week when I’d had enough. I told one of my fuck boys to bring her to me, and he did. In public, per my orders, he acted like her boyfriend to keep suspicion off of me.” He pauses, his bloody grin widening as he turned his hateful gaze to Kai. “She bruised and bled so sweetly for me. She begged me to let her go, but she was mine. The only escape was death, which was her punishment for her disobedience and disloyalty to our cause.”

Kai’s in front of him faster than I can blink as he rains down punch after punch to Carter’s body.

It isn’t until Carter’s body sags as he passes out that Reaper steps forward, putting a hand on Kai’s shoulder. He turns and looks at everyone before his gaze lands on me, and I nod, already knowing he wants me to tell him what I remembered.
