Page 144 of Timber

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“Thank you, Thor,” Mae says quietly.

I wrap an arm around her waist and she leans into me. Thor looks over at me and gives me a chin lift. “Church,” he bellows and then walks over to Levi. They talk quietly and then Levi heads back into the kitchen, only to reappear a few minutes later and heads into Church.

Grasping Mae’s chin, I give her a quick kiss. “Not sure how long we’ll take. And I swear, Sunshine, I moved as fast as I could to get her off me.”

She nods and gives me another quick kiss. “I believe you. Now, you guys do what you gotta do. We’ve got the food on the warmers, so it still should be good by the time you’re all done. Unless you guys want to take food into Church?”

“It should only take a few minutes, Mae. I just need to fill the guys in on what was on Gigi’s phone,” Thor says as he walks back up to us.

Mae smiles. “Alright. We’ll get everything set up for you when you’re done. Tonight, we’re having Beast’s meal suggestion of pan-seared steaks, mashed potatoes and gravy, asparagus, and corn.”

“Yes!” Beast yells as he hurries over to Mae, picks her up, and twirls her around. Her laughter rings out, but I scowl.

“Easy, Beast.” Fuck, I hope he hasn’t hurt her by pulling that stunt.

Beast blanches and quickly sets Sunshine down.

“Fuck, I’m sorry, Mae. I didn’t think. I just got so excited about your cooking. Did I hurt you?”

Mae shakes her head and hugs him again, which he returns. “You didn’t hurt my ribs, you’re good. And I’m glad you’re happy to eat our food. Now scoot on into Church. We’ll have everything done by the time you guys are finished,” she says with a shooing motion which has all of us laughing.

We may all be badass bikers, but these women have us wrapped around their fingers like you wouldn’t believe.

Shaking my head, I follow the others into Church.

Once everyone has taken a seat, Thor bangs his hammer on the table.

“All right. Smoke’s already tracking Gigi’s phone to see who sent the messages, but somehow, someone did get a picture of Mae in the cabin while she was tied up. And yes, it was after Carter whipped her. The cabin is ashes now, so I have no idea if there were cameras in there or not. Smoke, put the messages up on the screen.”

Smoke nods and after a few clicks on his keyboard, the wall lights up with a message.

“This is the first message. There are two,” he says.

That bitch pain in the ass will be taken care of tonight. You won’t have to worry about her ever finding her way back from where she’s going.

“And the last one.”

She bleeds so pretty for me and will be doing so much more for me soon. In a few hours, he’ll be on the market again, but you’ve got competition. Best strike while you can.

Attached to that message is a picture of Mae tied down on that filthy bed, only wearing her bra. It must have been not too long after Carter whipped her, because I could see fresh tears on her face. Her eyes are closed but I don’t know if she passed out or not afterward.

“It came from Carter’s phone, but I’ve already been through his phone, so he must have deleted and cleared out the thread. Also on her phone are conversations with Luscious, where the three of them planned what they wanted done to Mae. Gigi just wanted her gone. Luscious wanted her to be raped, to be hurt and to bleed before being sent off to her owner.”

I clench my fists, wishing I had beaten Carter and Andrew worse before we left. I would have loved to get in some licks on Luscious, too, but I can’t. Fuck, if Sasha gets wind of this, she’ll probably drive back to Junction Creek to dole out more punishments for her.

“Lockdown will be continuing with the exception of the wedding, but we know who all is supposed to be here. Make sure you memorize their names and pictures. They could try and slip in thinking we’re distracted with the wedding.” Thor pauses and turns to me. “Have you thought about tying Mae to you in every way in case those fuckers get their hands on her?”

I clear my throat and scratch the back of my neck. “Thanks for ruining it, asshole.”

“Wait, seriously?” Smoke asks, looking up at me from his laptop.

“Yeah, I had planned to ask her after the wedding so that we didn’t draw attention from your big day. Tripp texted me this morning that he has her cut and I was going to give it to her tonight after supper. As for tying her to me completely, she’s not on anything and we aren’t trying to prevent a pregnancy, so who knows? She could be pregnant already, but it’s too soon to tell.”

It’s only been a week, which still boggles my mind, since Sunshine came into my life. Already I can’t imagine being without her in my life.

The guys and Levi all hoot and holler as they congratulate me and tease me all in one.

“You know, I could marry you on paper and you guys have your ceremony later?” Smoke suggests when everyone settles down some.

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