Page 163 of Timber

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About halfway in, Drae raises his hand. “Pause it. Okay, back it up just a little.”

Smoke does as he asks and Drae’s head drops. “The woman with her back to the camera with the shamrock tattoo on her right hip is Jane. They’re both being held in the same place as Lillian.”

My chest hurts as I see the condition Jane is in. Her body is almost as black and blue as Lillian’s and she’s lost weight since the last time I’d seen them, which was about a month ago.

Smoke restarts the video and after Bruce’s threats at the end, curses fill the room.

For a few moments, no one says anything. Then I notice Mae gnawing on her lip as she stares at the screen.

“What is it, Sunshine?”

“Dad, can you go back to the pictures that I was sent?” she asks instead of answering me.

She stares at the pictures for a bit and signals for him to go to the next set. After a few more minutes, she asks to see Drae’s pictures again.

“What are you thinkin’, Lil’ Bit? Talk it out, it might help,” Reaper says.

Mae furrows her brows more. “It’s just that for some reason, the background of some of those pictures seems familiar to me, but I can’t place where I’ve seen it. And some of the background sections in Drae’s pictures also seem to match the background of the pictures I received.”

“If you think of anything else that can help narrow this down at all, let me know immediately,” Thor says and Mae nods.

“At first, I thought it was the cabins my grandparent’s own, but they never had wallpaper in them. However, the last time I was there, I was eleven. Things could have changed since then.”

“Well, that ties into something I wanted to remind you both about. Your grandparents’ lawyer wants to meet us Monday morning at ten to discuss the wills. Maybe he has keys to the cabins. We could always ride out there and scope it out afterward to make sure there haven’t been changes since the last time you were there. And if there have been changes, we can see if they fit these pictures.”

“I’m up for that. The sooner we can find out the better.”

I give Smoke a chin lift. “I’m good to meet them. Blake told me he’d take the reins right now in the office until things settle down. We weren’t going to go on our honeymoon till after everything’s said and done with these assholes.”

Thor sighs and looks around. “Is there anything else we need to discuss right now?”

Everyone shakes their heads no.

“Alright. You three check in with me after you get back from the lawyer’s office. Keep me posted if any of you get anything new in the meantime. For now, let’s call it a night. Unless it’s an emergency, don’t bother us newlyweds until tomorrow,” he says as he bangs his hammer. Laughter and jokes ring out through the room.

Mae turns toward me, and I smirk as I see her cheeks pinken and she squirms on my lap a little.

Time to take care of my wife.

It’s Monday morning, and with everything going on, Timber, Dad, and I are in Timber’s truck as we head into town to see my grandparents’ lawyer, Mr. Worthe.

We had heard back from the group that went with Drae that no one was home at Jane’s parent’s house and that nothing looked suspicious. Though, both of their cars were gone. The team is going to stay a few days and watch the house to see if anything changes or anyone shows up.

Neither Dad nor Timber wanted me on the back of Timber’s bike. Even though I missed riding, I didn’t want to risk it either. Ethan and Colt are in a truck behind us, since we don’t know how long we’ll be. Mr. Worthe had told Dad that he cleared the day for us just in case things took a while. Ethan and Colt will keep an eye out while we’re inside at the appointment.

Twenty minutes later, we pull up in front of an office and Timber squeezes my hand.

“Stay inside until Smoke opens your door, Sunshine.”

I nod as I stare at the door. My nerves are shot and in the back of my mind I worry that my grandparents’ cabins are the place where my mom, Jane, and Lindsey are being held.

Dad opens my door and I jump a little. He gives me a small smile and holds his hand out so that I can get down easier. I don’t know what it is about men and wanting their trucks high up off the ground, but I almost have to jump to get in and out of it.

“Definitely need to get those steps for you, Sunshine,”Timber had muttered to himself when he had to help me get into the truck earlier.

Standing in front of Dad, I wait for Timber to join us and step up behind him. They had previously told me that they wanted to walk in this way to better protect my front and back.

A little bell rings over the door as we come in and a nice-looking older lady smiles at us when she looks up. Dad steps around me and I step off to the side so I’m out of the way of the door.
