Page 191 of Timber

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They both chuckle and Patch removes my IV. Doc passes me a bottle that Liam puts in his cut. “Take the next pill in six hours, otherwise follow the directions on the bottle.”

I perk up when I see Thor and Phoenix coming out of Thor’s office.

“Oh! That’s right! I wanted to talk to both of you, Thor, Phoenix, Devil, and Reaper.”

Doc turns, and whistles before calling all four over. Liam comes over as well. I can tell he wants to touch me, so I slowly get up. He quickly takes a seat and carefully pulls me back down on his lap.

Suddenly, my nerves get the best of me, and I’m not sure how to outright ask them about my idea.

“Just spit it out, Sunshine. It’s okay.”

Nodding, I take a deep breath. “After Bruce beat me last night, I was remembering the first time Doc patched me up and was thinking about what all would be needed to patch me up this time around since I knew it was worse.

“I... I was wondering if it would be okay if I provided the funds for more supplies to be able to help anyone else in the future if they’re hurt. That way, we wouldn’t have to go to the hospital unless it was absolutely necessary? I know Doc’s room is pretty set up, though I was going to suggest a bed you could incline. For here, I wasn’t sure if there was a room set aside for something similar?”

The guys all share a look, and I worry I’ve overstepped.

Thor leans forward. “Are you sure, Mae? That’s not a cheap endeavor.”

“I’m sure. I’d rather we are able to do things here versus going to a hospital where a bunch of questions are involved. Not to mention police usually are, too. I really don’t want heat coming down on the club because other people are stupid.

“Plus, you know exactly how much I inherited, and that’s not counting the shares, what I’ll get for selling my grandparents’ house and cars, as well as the income from renting the cabins. I’ll have a steady income that I could put toward this. I just wanted to make sure we’re prepared when something like this happens again.” I don’t say ‘if’. I know things will continue to come at us with this crazy group, cult, whatever the heck they are.

Slowly, he nods. “Okay. Patch and Doc, get some lists around for what you need and Mae can approve them.”

“I can probably get them through my supplier guy and have them sent this way. Most of my stuff came from when I closed my clinic, but I kept my license active for the club. I wanted to splurge for the better bed years ago, but didn’t have the means to get it, so I got the next best thing,” Doc says.

“We should probably look into finding someone who’d be willing to be a doctor for us here,” Patch tells us. “I can only do so much with my nursing degree, and no offense Doc, but being a doctor isn’t what I want to do.”

Doc sits back, stroking his beard. “I wonder if my niece would be willing? She’s got a few years left in medical school and wants to go into private practice rather than a hospital. If she is interested, I could always come this way when needed in the meantime, so long as Patch can keep the person stable until I get here. If not, then we’d have to go to the ER.”

Thor shares a look with Reaper and the others, and they all nod.

“I have a sneaky suspicion that things are only going to get messier in the future with these Oasis fuckers. Okay, Mae. We’ll take you up on your offer,” Thor says.

“What if we opened a clinic here in town?” Phoenix asks. “I mean, I know it’s expensive, but if we’re going to possibly have the doc on call for us, maybe the club could go in on it? That way, it’s not just Mae shouldering the costs?”

“That will need to go up for vote and we should price things out first before we talk about opening a clinic outright. Also, we should still scout around for one or two other possible candidates so that your niece isn’t the only doctor on call if we end up going the clinic route,” Thor says as he knocks on the table. “For now, let’s just focus on the supplies we’d need to patch someone up here. I know we’ll need more here than Doc will, but maybe we can mirror Doc’s setup with the exception of getting both of us new beds.”

“It was really difficult to drink the soup last time in your bed since I couldn’t really sit up well yet. I definitely want to get you guys the inclining beds,” I insist.

“Alright. Now, how are you still feeling, Mae? Are you up for telling us what happened last night?” Thor asks me.

I nod. “I’m getting a little tired again, but yes, I’m still awake enough to be able to tell all of you.”

“Thank you,” he says, and then stands. “Church. Drae, you’re coming, too,” he bellows.

Looking up at Liam, I give him a small smile. “Can you carry me into Church?”

“My pleasure, Sunshine.”

I grip his shoulder with one hand, and he stands. Kai grabs my drink and we follow the others into Church.

“Wait,” I say, looking around for Susie. “When I’m done, how about a movie marathon up in our room? I’ll probably need to rest some more, but the kids can pile around with a bunch of pillows and maybe we can even do popcorn?”

She smiles up at me, stepping forward to give me a half hug. “Sounds like a plan. I’ll wrangle the kids for now. I know they’ll be excited to cuddle you for a bit.”

Liam heads into Church and sits down in his chair.
