Page 201 of Timber

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“Alright, you hooligans—settle your asses down! Line up with your partner,” Kristy hollers.

When everyone’s lined up, she bends down by Jordan and Sadie, who are up first. “Are you two ready for your big entrance?”

“Yes!” Sadie cries.

“Yes, ma’am,” Jordan says excitedly. Kristy gives them each a fist bump before heading out to make the announcement about there being two weddings instead of just one today.

As she talks, I watch Mae as she tries not to tear up at Kristy’s kind words.

Seconds later, a little motorcycle starts up, and Jordan revs it along with the intro to the song,‘Born to be Wild’by Steppenwolf. I hope like hell Bones is getting this all on camera since I can’t see it.

Jordan and Sadie practiced so much to be able to ride down the aisle as she carefully threw petals out of her basket, trying not to shift too much and throw off their balance. Cheers from the crowd erupt when Jordan comes out of the hallway just as the singing starts.

I take a shuddery breath as I try to stamp down the butterflies in my stomach and get a grip on my hormones.

This is it.

I’m about to marry the men of my dreams.

“I can still get you out of here, sweetheart,” Dad teases me as he winks. I can’t help the chuckle that escapes, and I squeeze his arm, knowing he asked that on purpose.

“Love you, Dad. I’d kiss you, but then you’d have lip gloss on your cheek.” He chuckles and shakes his head.

“Love you, too.” He leans down and kisses my forehead.

After Sasha and Phoenix walk forward, Dad steps forward and stops when Kristy gives us the signal so that I’m still out of sight. The song changes to‘I Cross My Heart’by George Strait. I knew as soon as my men asked me to marry them that this was the song I wanted to walk down the aisle to because our love is definitely unconditional.

Dad leads me down the aisle and I feel all my nerves fade away at the sight of my men. Both of them left their long black hair down and they look so sexy in their dress shirts coupled with their cuts, black jeans and boots. Fuck, I’m not sure how long I’ll last myself before I’m dragging them off for sexy times.

At the end of the aisle, Dad places my hand in Ryan’s. The guys had decided I’d be legally married to Ryan, but after we said our vows and he kisses me, then I’ll repeat the vows with Nick and then we’d share our kiss.

Twisting slightly, I pass my bouquet off to Sasha and then take Ryan’s other hand. He winks at me and the heat in his eyes has me looking forward to later.

Ryan and I anxiously wait for the wedding to start so we can finally lay eyes on Spitfire. We haven’t been able to see her all day. Thank fuck she didn’t make us wear a suit while we waited. I would not have been able to stand being in it for long.

Looking around, my chest swells at seeing everyone piled into the clubhouse for our wedding. Besides our club, everyone from Reaper’s club except a small skeleton crew are here as well as a handful of our friends from town and some of our employees.

My mind goes to Mae who is waiting in the hallway with Timber for their entrance.

Things are still a little rocky between her and her dad. I know Smoke is pissed as fuck at himself for what he said and did shortly after she arrived. He’s been trying to mend that bridge, but Mae’s understandably hesitant. Lillian wrecked Smoke in one of the worst ways, so I know he has trouble trusting women because of her. I just hope he can fully put it aside so that he doesn’t lose Mae because of it.

In all honesty, I need to fucking apologize to Mae too, for all my bullshit that I added onto that dumpster fire. With them just getting in yesterday, I haven’t had a chance to talk to her privately to apologize.

Thinking about what those assholes did to her has my anger rising, but I stomp it down. We had hoped to weed out where Preston, Phillip, Bruce, and that X fucker were while Mae was in Junction Creek, but so far, no luck.

Unfortunately, Mae not being in Forest Creek didn’t deter the assholes and they somehow tracked her to Junction Creek. It’s because of X and that fucker Carter that Mae is still recovering.

However, I’m hella proud of her for not hiding the scars on her chest. Several of them are on display, even though they aren’t fully healed yet. Levi told me she chose a spaghetti strap dress that goes to the floor and shows a fair amount of cleavage. I hope some of the scars will fade eventually, but time will tell.

The sound of Jordan’s little bike starting up has my attention going to the hallway and I can’t help the grin that spreads across my face. Axe keeps a bike here for Jordan whenever he comes to visit, and we love seeing him tear around on it.

Future biker in the making.

When Mae saw pictures of Jordan riding it and giving Sadie a ride, she surprised us all by suggesting that we should have them ride the bike down the aisle instead of walking. Levi latched onto the idea right away and the kids immediately got to practicing. They’ve been at it all week. We’re also doing things a little differently since normally the flower girl and ring bearer would walk before the bride, but we’re starting with them since we love the idea of them riding the bike so much.

As ‘Born to be Wild’picks up, Jordan comes out of the hallway with the biggest grin on his face. Sadie has one arm around his waist and the other plucks little petals out of a small basket strapped in front of Jordan. Sadie’s grin matches Jordan’s as she tosses petals on the ground, switches arms around Jordan’s waist, and then drops some more petals on the other side.

When Jordan gets to the end of the aisle, he stops and holds his hand out for Sadie to hold on to. She grabs it and I swear her grin gets even bigger.
