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As the tub filled with warm water, his thoughts wandered to her transition. He knew it was still too early to start worrying about it working, but he couldn't help it.

They didn't have a lot of time, and it was crucial that she transition before the end of the cruise. If she didn't, she might give up.

What if he could expedite the process with another transfusion?

The other time hadn't done what Kian had been afraid it would do, but perhaps when combined with his venom and his seed, the addition of the blood transfusion would do the trick?

Then again, what if giving her more of his blood would be detrimental to her health?

He needed to consult Aru.

Standing by the bathroom door, Dagor watched the steam rise from the water as the idea of accelerating Frankie's transition solidified in his mind. There was no harm in doing that, and the only downside was that if it didn't work, they would both be devastated.

"Trust in the Fates," he murmured.

Turning back to Frankie, he saw her seated on the edge of the bed, wearing only her bra and panties and rubbing her feet. She looked tired but happy, and he dreaded spoiling her mood by voicing his concerns.

Perhaps it would be better not to tell her his plan yet and let her enjoy the aftermath of the party while soaking in the tub.

"Your bath awaits, my lady." He executed a deep bow. "Should I carry you?"

She smiled at him with love shining in her eyes. "Not tonight, my love. I want to take off my makeup before I get into the water, and it will take a while."

He didn't know why she needed to wash her face before getting in the tub, but he wasn't going to question her beauty routine. Apparently, there was much more to it than just applying color to her cheeks and painting her eyelashes black.

"Can I help?"

"A girl needs to keep a few secrets." She batted her eyelashes, which he'd just noticed were thicker than normal.

He lifted his hands in the sign for peace. "I'll leave you to it, then, and get out of the tux."

She pushed to her tiny feet, stretched on her toes and kissed his cheek. "Give me fifteen minutes to do my nightly routine, and then you can come in if you want."

He kissed the tip of her nose. "Take your time and soak those poor feet of yours."

When she closed the door behind her, he walked into the living room and wrote a text to Aru.

Is it safe to give Frankie another transfusion to expedite her transition?

Aru's response came a moment later.Probably, but make sure it's a small quantity.

'Probably' was not as good as a yes, but it was better than a no.

Dagor needed a syringe, and he knew where to get it.

After changing into a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, he made his way to the clinic.

The ship was quiet, with most of its occupants either still in the dining hall enjoying coffee and desserts or back in their cabins. Dagor didn't want to bump into anyone and have to explain where he was going and why, so he took the stairs instead of the elevator.

Reaching the clinic deck, he continued to the storage room and slipped inside. The cabinet where he had found the syringes before was locked, but he knew now where the nurses kept the key.

Securing the syringe, he closed the cabinet and turned to leave, but stopped to fill his pockets with a few toiletries just in case anyone wondered what he'd been doing sneaking into the storage room in the middle of the night.


In the bathwater's soothing warmth, Frankie let her mind drift, and her body relax, the tension slowly ebbing. She had half-expected Dagor to join her, but as the minutes ticked by and the bathroom door remained closed, she wondered what he was doing.

She'd needed a few minutes to take off her false lashes and wipe off the layers of makeup, but once that had been done, she wouldn't have minded his offer to massage her feet and scrub her back.
