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A flicker of concern crossed her mind. After the lecture she'd given him about always letting her know where he was, he wouldn't just leave without saying anything.

As more time passed, her concern deepened into worry. Maybe something had happened? She knew the ship was safe, but Dagor's sudden disappearance was troubling. He would have told her if something was going on and he had to go. He wouldn't just leave her in the bathtub.

Her mind began to race with possibilities. Was there an emergency? Had something gone wrong with the plan regarding the Doomers? Maybe the teams assigned to rescuing Luis had been called to depart immediately?

The thought sent a chill down her spine.

Nah, she was probably freaking out for nothing. He might be in the living room watching television or listening to music. If she had her phone with her, she would have called him, but she'd left it in her purse, which was on the bed, next to her discarded dress that she'd forgotten to hang back in the closet.

With a deep sigh Frankie leaned back in the tub, trying to calm her racing thoughts, but her eyes kept darting to the bathroom door, hoping to see it open and Dagor walk in.

When it finally happened, Frankie's head snapped up, and her heart skipped a beat. "What took you so long? I was worried about you."

He arched a brow. "You asked for fifteen minutes, and that's precisely how long I was gone."

She pouted. "It felt like longer. Now get undressed and join me in the tub. I'm taking you up on your offer to scrub my back."

Smiling, he sat on the edge of the tub. "You didn't ask me where I was."

She frowned. "I didn't even know that you left."

"So why were you worried?"

She let out an exasperated breath. "Never mind that. Where did you go?"

"I went down to the clinic to get another syringe."

Her gut twisted into a knot. "Why?"

"I think that another transfusion could help expedite your transition." He pulled out a couple of small, wrapped soaps from his pocket and then the syringe. "Only if you are comfortable with it, of course. It's up to you."

Frankie hadn't considered that before, but now that he was offering, it made sense to her, and she wasn't about to refuse the offer unless there were risks she wasn't aware of.

"Are you sure it's safe to give me another transfusion?"

"I asked Aru, and he said that it probably is, which means that he's not sure. But then he's not a doctor."

Chewing on her bottom lip, Frankie nodded. "There is probably nothing left in my system from your first transfusion, so it's probably safe to do another one. I don't think it can do any harm, and the worst that can happen is that it won't do anything." She smiled nervously. "But my feet will not ache tomorrow for sure."

Dagor regarded her for a moment before tearing the packaging open and pulling out the syringe. "One last chance. Yes or no?"


She couldn't suppress a small wince when the needle pierced his skin. It was one thing to know intellectually that Dagor was capable of healing quickly and quite another to watch the needle sink into his vein without the usual preparations like an elastic band to swell the vein. She hoped that this deviation from what she knew as standard procedure wouldn't cause any complications.

As he drew a small quantity of his blood, she wondered what it would look like under a microscope. Would there be millionsof nanobots floating in it, tiny genetic machines that cured and repaired and facilitated transition in carriers of the godly genes?

She offered him her arm, trying to keep still, but her heart was pounding in her chest, and she felt queasy. When the needle pierced her skin at the spot where she previously had the IV, she felt a slight sting, but it was nothing compared to the emotional weight of the moment. She watched as Dagor gently pressed the plunger, his eyes locked on her face, searching her eyes for signs of discomfort or distress.

The sensation was odd, a slight warmth spreading from the injection site, but nothing more dramatic than that.

Dagor disposed of the syringe by putting it back into its torn wrapping and tossing it into the trash container under the sink.

"You'll need to dispose of it better than that," she said. "If anyone comes to clean the cabin, they'll see the bloodied syringe and might report it."

"You're right." He pulled his T-shirt over his head and tossed it on the counter. "I'll take care of it tomorrow."

Her concerns flew out the window as her eyes roamed over the perfection of his body. "Take your pants off and get in the tub with me." She scooted to the side. "I need to thank you for what you just did for me." She gave him a sultry smile.
