Page 123 of Never Mine to Hold

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I turn at the sound of my name and find Colby McNichols. He’s a talented left winger who gets lots of love from the ladies on campus.

He flashes a dazzling grin before jerking his head toward the group of rowdy hockey players. “Would you mind bringing a round of shots to our table when you get a chance?”

His smile almost has the power to turn my insides to mush. I blink away the sensation before shaking it off.

They don’t call him the baby-faced assassin for nothing.

Especially when his dimples pop.

The man is completely dangerous.

And he knows it.

That’s all it takes for me to narrow my eyes. “Put those damn things away before you get yourself killed.” I glance toward Wolf and find him watching the interaction with interest.

Colby grins before glancing at my boyfriend, who also happens to be one of his good friends.

“What’s wrong? A little harmless flirting never hurt anyone.”

I snort. “Wanna bet? I’d hate to see you miss the rest of the season because all your bones have been broken.”

He mulls over my answer before shrugging. “You’re probably right about that.”

His blue eyes dance with mischief as they shift to the girls. All except Britt are with hockey players.

If I’m being completely honest, Colby isn’t the kind of guy I’d want dating one of my girlfriends. From all the gossip that floats around campus—and trust me, there’s a lot of it—he’s the piped piper of pussy. He sleeps with girls but doesn’t get involved in relationships.

His attention gets snagged by Britt. It’s slowly that his gaze slides down her body before rising to her face and sparking with more interest.

“I don’t think we’ve had the pleasure of meeting.” He turns up the wattage of his smile and the dimples wink and flash. “What’s your name, beautiful?”

I steel myself, fully expecting Britt to melt into a puddle of goo at his feet. I’ve witnessed it happen on more than one occasion.

It’s almost a surprise when she flicks a glance at him and then turns away before giving him a snappy response. “I’m not interested. So, feel free to move it along.”

Colby blinks in confusion as his brows slant together. “Excuse me?”

She stops her conversation with Carina and turns toward him again before enunciating with more care. “I said that I wasn’t interested. Hockey players aren’t my thing. Now, if you’ll?—”

He flashes another dazzling smile that’s even more high wattage than the first one before giving her an are you crazy look. “Sweetheart, I’m everybody’s thing.”

Her eyes widen as a burst of laughter escapes from her. I almost fall over when she pats his cheek as if he’s an errant child. “I’m sure you are, pretty boy. But not mine.”

Instead of walking away and moving on to greener pastures, Colby’s eyes spark with challenge as he steps closer. “Hey, I have an idea. How about you let me buy you a shot, and we’ll see just how wrong you are when I roll out of your bed in the morning?”

My mouth falls open as my gaze bounces to Britt. This is like a Wimbledon match. And yeah, I’m totally here for it. It’s not often you see Colby McNichols get shot down.

I rack my brain.

Or like, ever.

Britt shakes her head and holds her ground. “No thanks.” She points toward the crowded table in the back that’s buzzing with puck bunnies. “You seem to have your hands full already. My advice is to stick with the groupies. You wouldn’t know what to do with a girl like me.”

A roguish grin slides across his face. “Is that so?”

She lifts her chin a notch. “Yup. Accept defeat gracefully while you still have the chance.”

“Oh, I think we’re way past that now. Don’t you, firecracker?”
