Page 14 of Never Mine to Hold

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Even hockey was shaky in the beginning because we’d played every season together. Stepping onto the ice after the funeral was the second most difficult thing I’ve ever had to do.

Keeping my distance from Fallyn was the first.

As painful as it was to be at the rink without him by my side, it was the only thing that made me feel like I was still alive.

The chill of the air that seared my lungs.

The smell of the ice flooding my nostrils.

The sound of the fans rising to their feet and cheering when I saved a goal.

I chose to spend all my time at the arena because the alternative was to be at home.

Not that anyone was there to notice my absence. Dad worked long hours, and Mom filled her calendar with charity functions and social engagements.

It’s the reason why I spent every waking hour at the DiMarco house while growing up. After Miles’ death, that was no longer an option.

I was alone.


Fallyn’s blue eyes continue to spit fire. Any moment, they’ll singe me alive. Maybe it would be better that way. I wouldn’t have to live with the guilt I carry around with me like a thousand-pound stone. If it were possible to go back in time and change the actions and outcome of that one night, I’d do it in a heartbeat.

Careless decisions were made, and we’ve been forced to live with the consequences. That’s the fallacy of youth…

You feel invincible.

Until tragedy strikes and you realize with sickening certainty just how fragile life is.

Even though I know there won’t be any hints of softening, I still search her eyes, hoping that enough time has passed for us to start fresh.

I shift from one foot to another and realize that nerves are skittering across my skin. There isn’t anyone who makes me feel ill at ease.

Save this girl.

She makes my heart beat erratically in my chest.

My tongue flicks out to wet my parched lips. “I’m so?—”

She gives her head a violent little shake as wetness floods her bright blue depths. “Don’t say it,” she rasps. “Don’t you dare say it.”

“Can we sit down and talk?” I swallow thickly. “Please?”

“There is nothing we have to talk about.”

One quick step brings her closer as she stabs a finger at my chest. With her head tilted upward, her warm breath drifts over my lips. It’s tempting to suck in a big breath of her and take it deep into my lungs. I want to hold it—her—captive there forever.

Even with the anger that vibrates off her in heavy, suffocating waves, she’s nothing short of intoxicating.

“There once was a time when we were friends, but that’s over.” Her lips peel back into a snarl. “Stay the fuck out of my way.”

Before I can respond, she swings around and stalks away without another glance in my direction.

Chapter 7


I’m still shaking from that run-in with Wolf as I slide onto my seat in psychology and yank out my computer. I wish I could say it’s just anger swirling within me, threatening to swallow me whole, but that would be a lie.

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