Page 66 of Never Mine to Hold

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Be as close as possible.

There’s a natural pull between us.

Like an invisible string slowly being reeled in.

At least for me there is.

And it’s only deepened with time.

Keeping my distance all these years has been torture. Now that she’s back in my life, these little snippets of time I’ve been able to snatch are nowhere near enough to satiate the beast that lives deep within.

I crave more.

I crave everything.

Especially now that I’ve tasted her silky flesh.

I won’t be satisfied until every piece of her belongs to me.

Until I’m all she sees.

All she can think about.

Until her need is as ravenous as mine.

I have no idea if that’s even possible.

“Sorry, I gotta take off,” I mumble before the blonde can push out the rest.

The moment I step in Fallyn’s direction, her gaze slices to mine and she stumbles to a halt. A few people knock into her in their haste to escape the building before she explodes into movement. Her gaze shifts to the girl left behind in my wake before resettling on me again with narrowed eyes. People scatter out of my way as I move through the congestion that clogs the walkway until finally reaching her.

With a tilt of her chin, she holds my gaze. “What are you doing here?”

Now that she’s in front of me, close enough to wrap my hands around and haul against my body, it takes effort to keep my muscles loose.

Especially when the scent of her rosemary and mint shampoo teases my nostrils.

I want to breathe her deep into my soul and hold her captive until she no longer finds it necessary to fight the inevitable.

“I’ve got a little bit of time between class and practice. I thought maybe we could hang out.” I keep my voice casual so it comes out sounding like no big deal when nothing could be further from the truth.


Her response throws me off. I was expecting a flat-out denial and that I’d have to cajole her into spending time with me. I had a whole spiel worked out in my head.

Is it possible that I’m making a little bit of headway with her?

One side of my lips quirk. “It’s a surprise.”

The less she knows right now, the better.

When indecision flashes across her features, I realize she’s thinking about our last meeting set up for later this afternoon. As stupid as it sounds, I don’t want to have sex with Fallyn without spending more time together.

Anytime I shoot her a text, she barely responds.

So here I am…stalking her movements across campus.

It’s tempting to drag a hand down my face.
