Page 89 of Never Mine to Hold

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With a gulp, I attempt to swallow down the nerves that vibrate in my chest at the blunt conversation we’re having in the middle of this diner. “Is that something you’ve thought about over the years?”

He leans as close as the table will allow. “Of course it is. I’ve always wanted to be your first. Just like I wanted you to be mine.”

My mouth falls open as his words somersault through my brain and I shake my head, wondering if I’ve misunderstood the admittance.

From the intensity of his expression and the muscle that ticks a mad rhythm in his jaw, my guess is that I haven’t.

Which means that like me, Wolf Westerville is still a virgin.

Chapter 30



I didn’t mean to blurt out the truth like that.

By her slack-jawed expression, I’ve shocked the hell out of her.

It’s tempting to plow a hand through my hair and glance away, but I refuse to do that. My gaze stays pinned to Fallyn. I’ve been waiting years for a chance to slip back into her life and there’s no way I’m going to be anything less than honest.

Even if it means embarrassing the fuck out of myself.

There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for the dark-haired beauty sitting across from me. She’s so stunning, both inside and out, that it robs me of breath and makes my heart ache.

After the accident, I never thought I’d get this chance again.

Now that I have, wild horses couldn’t drag me away.

“Are you saying…” Her voice trails off as her narrowed eyes search mine.

I lift my chin, all the while rubbing soft circles against her palm. “Go ahead. Get it out.”

“Are you trying to say that you’ve never had sex before?” There’s a beat of strained silence. “Is that what you’re telling me?”

I jerk my shoulders and try to keep my voice level. “Would that really be so hard to believe?”

Her eyes widen as if I’ve just said something outlandish. “Yeah, it is.”


She blinks before muttering, “Because…well, look at you.”

Heat suffuses her cheeks.

It’s fucking adorable.

“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, a slight quirk on my lips.

“You’re gorgeous. Ever since stepping foot on campus, I’ve heard how girls talk about you. The hot, tatted up goalie.” Fallyn rolls her eyes, letting me know what her thoughts are on the matter. “You can’t be that oblivious.”

“You’re right. I’m not.”

She straightens and lifts her chin. “So then, the answer is no. I don’t believe for a minute that you haven’t had the chance to hook up with all the groupies that throw themselves at you.”

I shift closer until the hard edge of the table presses into my chest. “You’re talking about two different things. One is opportunity. The other is desire.” When she blinks again like I’ve complicated a mathematical equation she’s desperate to solve, I continue. “I’ve had plenty of opportunities to have sex. The problem is that I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you.”

That slack jawed expression returns full force.
