Page 22 of Always and Forever

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I hear the front door open, the guys’ voices sounding animated. Then Rhia’s joins in. The door closes again, and there’s only silence.

Did Tiero go with them?

I get up and walk over to the mudroom. And there he is. My love in all his glory.

His eyes light up when he sees me.

He finishes taking off his shoes before taking me into his arms.

“I’ve missed you,” he whispers, seeking my lips. “And I’m ravenous.”

“Oh, I can make you something to eat.” I try to pull out of his embrace, but his arms only tighten.

“I’m ravenous foryou!” He bites down on my lip, and I moan. “I’m going to take you to our bedroom and fuck you. Any objections?”

I shake my head, and he kisses me, deep and slow. I can taste his hunger for me, and it stirs the embers of my own desire, fanning them into a blazing fire in no time.

“Your choice, princess,” Tiero rasps. “Nice and slow, or rough and fast? We’ve got about ninety minutes. I need my fill of you before the Christmas Eve celebrations begin.”

His teeth latch onto my bottom lip and stretch it out. “What’s it going to be?”

My insides quiver in anticipation. “Both,” I nearly moan when Tiero’s mouth finds that spot by my ear that has goosebumps racing down my spine. “Start nice and slow, and finish rough and fast.”

“Perfect,” he whispers. “Just like you.”

Then he carries me off.


Ninety-six minutes later, we are showered and dressed with a satisfied, just-fucked glow.

Claudette’s in the living room reading and trying hard not to smirk when we enter.

I tried, I really really tried to be quiet, but the smile that’s lifting at the corners of her mouth tells me I wasn’t as successful as I had hoped.

The jingling of bells drifts in from outside. If it wasn’t for the yelping that was accompanying it, I’d expect to see a horse-drawn sled slitting past. TheJingle Bellstune starts playing in my mind, and I’m tempted to sing out loud.

Curious as to what’s going on, the three of us go to the floor-to-ceiling row of windows, searching for the source of the noise.

I do a double-take, unsure I can believe what my eyes are showing me.

What the?

Chapter Ten


Icovermymouthwith my hand, my grin growing more and more.

Tiero’s grip on my hip tightens as he pulls me closer. I glance up at him, but his expression is anything but amused. His narrowed eyes take in the scene in front of us.

To my left, Claudette giggles, clapping her hands together.

From our spot by the window, I watch in complete surprise as Rhia approaches on a sled, five huskies leading the way through the snow-covered terrain.

It looks like a scene straight out of a winter holiday movie.

Rhia’s red hair flutters in the breeze despite the snug beanie she wears.
