Page 23 of Always and Forever

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No, it’s not a beanie. It’s a Santa hat, and she’s wearing a red coat with fake white fur trimmings. It’s a vibrant burst of color against the white backdrop.

“Come on, El, let’s go see what this is all about!” Claudette urges.

We rush outside, the chilly air hitting us with a crisp bite.

Tiero, ever thoughtful, grabs my jacket on the way, wrapping it protectively around me, and then puts a beanie on my head.

We watch the spectacle from the top of the stairs, Rhia’s voice becoming more audible as she breaks into a boisterous rendition of “Jingle Bells.”

The sled, a sleek wooden contraption, glides effortlessly over the snow, leaving a trail of powdery clouds in its wake. The harnesses jingle with each enthusiastic pull from the huskies, their tails wagging furiously. Their breath creates fleeting clouds in the cold air, and their excitement is palpable as they weave through the wintry landscape.

Rhia’s face is aglow with exhilaration, her laughter harmonizing with the jingling of the harness and the tune she’s singing.

The sled comes to an almost graceful stop, and I hurry down the stairs, putting my arms through the sleeves of my jacket.

I fall to my knees in front of the huskies, patting and stroking them. Their tongues are lolling, and their eyes are bright. They seem to eagerly await the next command, their tails wagging in excitement.

Rhia—or should I say Mrs. Clause—greets us with a mischievous smile.

“Ho ho ho. Have you been naughty or nice?” she laughs.

I can’t help but join in. “Oh my god, Rhia, where on earth did you get this sled?”

“And all these huskies?” Claudette adds. “Did you mug Santa?”

Rhia, beaming from the thrill of her snowy adventure, turns to me.

“Merry Christmas, El! This is our present for you.”

My mouth drops open again involuntarily.


“Oh… and it’s your wedding carriage. These cuties…” She points at the dogs. “… will guide your sled to the magical spruce tree. Meet Frost, Luna, Nanook, Koda and Echo.” She points at each dog in turn. “They’ll be your trusty sled team. And don’t worry, they’re all desexed. So you won’t end up with a herd of them.”

I stare at her.

“This is your present to me,” I repeat, flabbergasted. “You mean to tell me you got me five huskies and a sled?”

Rhia’s grin is impossibly large. “Yes. It’s all yours.”

Wow! I’m speechless.

So instead of talking, I jump to my feet and tackle Rhia. Laughing and hugging, we fall into the soft snow.

“You’ve outdone yourself this time!”

“Haven’t I?” she replies proudly. “I figured you’d be missing your dogs, and this way you get to have loads of fun with these ones. And in summer, you can get a sled with wheels. It’s year-round fun.”

I can’t wait!

My gaze wanders from the dogs to my fiancé, and my heart sinks.

Tiero is grinding his teeth, looking anything but pleased. In fact, he looks downright stern.

“You can’t use it while you’re pregnant,” he states.

