Page 26 of Always and Forever

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“In the worst-case scenario, I’ll marry you guys here in the house,” Claudette says, trying to calm me. “The fireplace in the living room is a gorgeous spot.”

My heart and face fall. Yeah, it’s a nice spot, my favorite in the house, but it’s not where I want to get married.

“Let’s not jump to conclusions,” Tiero says, kissing my forehead and rubbing my shoulders.

He takes the phone off Rhia to read all the information.

“It’s predicted to hit here early afternoon and last for a day or two.” He rubs his face with one hand while keeping his other on me.

“What!” I shout, clutching a hand to my heart. “But we were meant to pick up our wedding license this afternoon.”

Tiero’s brows furrow. “That’s not going to happen. We’ll get it when the blizzard is over.”

“And what if it’s not over in time?” I pinch the bridge of my nose. “We can kiss our New Year’s Eve wedding goodbye now. And everything was going so well!”

“No!” Tiero declares. “We’ll find a way. You and I will start the new year married.”

I huff. He sounds so certain, but on what grounds?

“Let’s not panic,” Claudette says, unfazed by the unfolding drama. “I agree with Tiero. Everything will work out. Remember the bird we saw when you went to get your license?”

“The one with the red eye?” She nods. “You said it was a symbol of good luck. I think it was wrong,” I exclaim.

Claudette chuckles, shaking her head. “It’s also about flexibility and resilience. You’ve proven you’ve got both. So everything will be fine!”

I can’t say I follow her logic.

I’m about to tell her that when Rhia nods at me reassuringly.

“We’ll make it work… somehow,” she agrees.

“No matter what, we need to salvage as much as we can of the decorations by the tree while it’s calm,” Tiero says, looking at Lex.

“I agree,” Lex replies, already on his way to the guest room to pull on his thermals.

“We’ll bring back the lanterns, torches and rugs. Seriously, angel. It will be okay. I promise.”

He shouldn’t make promises, he doesn’t know he can keep. But I’m not saying it out loud when he’s trying to comfort me.

“Do you want us to come and help?” Claudette calls after him when he’s about to leave the room.

“No, you girls stay here. The wind will pick up soon enough, and I don’t want you anywhere out there where you could get hurt. We need the bride, bridesmaid and officiant intact,” he says with a wink.

“What about the groom and the groomsman?” I mutter, but he’s already gone. Probably a good thing.

I go to the window and stare out. There’s no sign of the brewing trouble. The sky is overcast, but the treetops are still.

Rhia steps up behind me and winds her arms around my waist.

“We’ll work it all out, El. We always do. You will have a beautiful and memorable wedding day. Remember, everything has fallen into place for it so far. Why would that change?”

I shrug my shoulders, feeling very much at the mercy of nature.

But Rhia is right. Everything has been going wonderfully. All I need is to trust, right?

“Girls,” Lex calls from the front door and the three of us make our way over.

When we get there, his expression is unreadable, and my stomach plummets. Whatever he’s about to tell us, it’s not good.
