Page 27 of Always and Forever

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“What is it?” Rhia asks her boyfriend.

“Umm, you might want to take a look at the shed…”

Looking at me, he amends, “Perhaps only Rhia should go.”

My bestie is already sliding her arms into her jacket. But there’s no way I’m staying here.

“Oh my god, did one of the dogs die? Did they get into a fight?” I ask, frantically pulling on my jacket and grabbing my boots.

“No, the dogs are fine, but… umm… well… you’ll see.” Lex sends a worried glance my way before taking Rhia’s hand.

She’s quiet. I can tell the wheels in her head are turning, running through scenarios of what we might find and how to deal with it.

Lex, Rhia, and I march down the stairs and toward the shed. Fresh snow has fallen overnight, making our boots sink into the white powder.

“Wait for me,” Claudette calls from behind as she rushes after us, pulling on a beanie.

Crap, I forgot mine, and now my ears are freezing. Tiero won’t be happy if he sees me without one. His protectiveness seems to be growing by the day. It’s sweet and infuriating at the same time.

Would I want it any other way? Hell, no.

Nothing seems amiss as we near the shed. Lex has already pulled out the two snowmobiles and attached a trailer to both. But when he slides open the large door, what happened doesn’t need an explanation.

Rhia’s hand flies to her mouth to cover her gasp while mine just hangs open.

No sound comes out.

I blink a few times, but what I see doesn’t change.

I must be in shock because my mind is blank, and there’s a lack of physical reaction.

“Oh shit,” Claudette lets out when she catches up to us.

I stare at the mayhem before me.

Strike two for today.

First the blizzard warning and now this.

Don’t they say all good and bad things come in threes?

So what’s next?

Chapter Twelve


“No,no,no,”Rhiayells. “Bad dogs! Bad dogs!”

Said dogs have retreated to the back of the shed where their doggie beds are, looking guilty as hell. Nanook is even hiding underneath a blanket.

I knew we should have erected some sort of fence to confine them.

Too late now.

The entire floor is covered in flower petals and leaves. There’s not one intact rose or lily left.

Rhia marches toward the dogs. “You little menaces. I spent hours on Ella’s bouquet and the arrangement for the altar.”
