Page 43 of Always and Forever

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Being a hothead, she’s had to learn a lot about damage control. She’s now beaming her most charming smile up at him. Few men can resist it, married or not.

Mr. Roberts’ cheeks turn an interesting shade of red. Seems he’s not immune to her charms either. Works for me.

“George… may I call you George? You won’t believe this, but you are just the man I’m looking for.”

Chapter Eighteen


WithGeorgeRobertscharmed,and our mission accomplished, Rhia and I return to the cottage.

But first we stopped in Homer for a celebratory hot chocolate to farewell my maidenhood. Gosh, that sounds like we’re back in the dark ages.

We were amazed to find the coffee shop open. Also surprising, though it shouldn’t be given the circumstances, our dog sled wasn’t the only one in the streets. Where cars fail, the dogs and sled prevail.

Back at home, I hand the prized piece of paper that’s our marriage license to Claudette. She hides it away in the folder with all things wedding related.

Tiero and Lex haven’t returned yet. We all take it as a good sign our plans for our outdoor night wedding are proceeding well.

Rhia, though, wants to know for sure, the organizer in her not being able to relax otherwise. She decides to take the dog sled out once more and check in on the men and see if they need any help.

She leaves with a bright smile on her face, instructing me to take it easy and enjoy this quiet time.

It’s not a good thing.

It gives me too much time to think, especially when Claudette draws me a bubble bath to warm me up after our icy expedition.

As I soak in the warm water, Rhia’s words from earlier play on repeat, and my mind is trying to work out a solution that has Rhia continue to be a stable part of my life. But short of Rhia and Lex moving to Alaska or wherever we’ll end up, I’ve conjured up nothing.

I’m now sitting at my dressing table. Hairbrush in hand, staring at my reflection in the mirror, melancholy weighing down my heart.

A lone tear forges a path down my cheek, and I watch its journey with detached absent-mindedness.

Another one leaves my left eye to join the other.


I once read that’s what it means if a tear falls from your left eye. If it’s from the right eye, it indicates they’re happy tears. I remember telling Aiden about it. He, too, knew the most random facts that serve no purpose at all.


I miss him.

Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t be happier with Tiero.

Yet a part ofmeis missing… the part of me that Aiden will forever hold in his soul.

Weeks ago, I said to Tiero we owe Aiden to honor his sacrifice of walking away by being the happiest we can be. But in a quiet moment like this one, my stomach churns with guilt.

Claudette’s face appears in the mirror. I’m so lost in my thoughts, I didn’t hear her come in.

She takes the hairbrush from me; it’s still half suspended in the air.

Her eyes connect with mine in the mirror.

With her uncanny ability to read people, she once again knows where my mind has wandered to.

“He’s going to be okay,” Claudette says softly, kissing the top of my head.
