Page 44 of Always and Forever

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It makes the tears flow stronger. It’s what Ade used to do.

I let my head sag back against Claudette’s front. Not trusting myself to speak without dissolving further, I close my eyes, surrendering to the emotions swirling inside me.

I’m glad Claudette is here, being my rock in a stormy sea. She squeezes my shoulder before beginning to run the brush soothingly through my hair.

“It’s not fair that I’m so happy when he isn’t,” I finally say.

Claudette sighs. “It’s what he wants for you. It’s the sole reason he did what he did. The only way to repay him is by being damn happy and seizing every opportunity to be even happier.”

“I feel guilty,” I admit.

“I know, darling. But ask yourself this: would he want you to?”

I shake my head. “No. Ade is one of the most selfless people I’ve met. That should be rewarded, not punished with pain.”

“I agree. But darling, you only look at the surface level. In the bigger scheme of things, everything is right and unfolding just as it should.”

“Are you going to tell me next, he’s working through some karma?” I raise a skeptical eyebrow.

“Perhaps he is, perhaps he isn’t. Who can freaking tell?” She chuckles. “The three of you will have many more lifetimes together. This one is but a blip in a vast ocean.”

She lifts my hair and glides the hairbrush through my locks.

“His current path is one of service to others. He’s finding fulfilment with that. He might not have gotten the girl,” she nudges me playfully. “But he’s finding his feet and a different kind of happiness.

“Romantic love is only one avenue to bliss, and more often than not, it’s a treacherous one. At least that’s his experience. Aiden is coming to terms with the decisions he’s made… not just with you, but his whole life, and he’s finding peace and contentment. He thinks of you daily. Just like you do of him… and to some degree Tiero too.

“You are in each other’s soul. Nothing can ever destroy your connection.

“His coffee looked a bit cloudy for a while, but things are working out for him.”

“Huh?” What is she talking about?

“You know… Carly Simon…You’re So Vain? Don’t tell me you’ve never listened to that song.”

Oh! The mental gymnastics you have to perform with this woman.

“Of course I have,” I reply, giggling, some of the heaviness I’ve felt moments ago lifting in her presence. “It was on the radio only this morning.”

Claudette’s face breaks out in a huge smile. “Oh, I love it! And I’m glad you’ve got a smile back on your face. Both Aiden and Tiero want nothing but your happiness.

“And today is a happy day. I bet you dreamed about it since you were a little girl.”

She picks up the curling iron from the dressing table and plugs it in.

“Since before I met Rhia,” I admit. “I loved pouring over ma and da’s wedding album, and I lost count on how often I snuck into ma’s closet when she was out and secretly dressed up in her wedding gown.

“I’m sure she knew what I was up to, but she never said anything and let me have my fun.”

The memories are bittersweet.

“Ma, da… I miss them so damn much. Today more than ever.”

Claudette squeezes my shoulder in silent support.

“I wonder if Tiero is thinking of his parents too,” I say out loud. “His mom passed away when he was only eight, and his dad was killed a few years ago.

“They all should have been here today, my parents and his, celebrating with us.”
